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Date Posted: 20:34 20/02/25 Thu
Author: Annabelle
Author Host/IP: 139-216-204-154.sta.dodo.net.au /
Subject: Some random comments on the second game.
In reply to: RD 's message, "They were saying he was from Willi - obviously a VFL recruit. Reckon he was our best in that game" on 20:24 20/02/25 Thu

As observed by others, Josh Brown looked good.

Thought Parker apart from one lack of awareness moment, was very solid. He tackles well and links up well with others. He has very good footy nous.

Frampton was fumble city and gave away some off the ball frees, though the umpires were red hot on that, while letting go a deliberate out of bounds by a Sun and unnecessarily recalling a bounce near the end while letting other crooked ones go.

West presented, though our midfield wasn't conducive to multiple meaningful entries.

Tew intercepted well and moved smoothly, sometimes extricating himself from danger.

Sidey worked tirelessly but was a bit erratic at times.

Checkers' fielding kicking was very poor.

IQ and Maynard didn't do a lot.

Dean again looked off the pace.

Pendles at times looked the general, at other times looked his age. He loves the dinky sideway passes atm.

Steene competed well against the much bigger bodies.

Long got a bit of ball but shaded by his opponents.

Suns certainly have some great young talent.

King still seems to be a bit of a tease.

Beau did some good things when able to use his pace and he kicked a long goal on the run. He's more confident when kicking in this manner.

Sullivan looks a solid seconds player and nothing more.

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