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Date Posted: 08:04 21/02/25 Fri
Author: Rodda83
Author Host/IP: 61-245-159-104.3df59f.adl.nbn.aussiebb.net /
Subject: I don't believe in the theory that preseason doesn't hold any water
In reply to: JtP 's message, "I'm bouyed by our performance to be honest!" on 07:40 21/02/25 Fri

Even when it was the nab cup sure every so often a bottom 4 team would win it but the GF opponent went on to either make the real GF or win it.
The 2 prelim teams in the NAB more often then not also would either be the other GF team or make top4.

A team who looks poor in February can often still look poor in march and April.

With us given we split our squad in two I'd agree that junket match is hard to read into outside Nick Daicos is still a stud.

Josh Browne looks a lively type has great agility and pace off the mark seem to cover the ground well too.
Cracked in at the contest which was impressive for a slighter build. Couple of skill errors but hey it is preseason rust.

Young West did a couple nice things should be a good development year for him in the VFL.

Parker looks to have improved not just his game but build more AFL looking physique now.

Disappointed not to see McCreery get midfield time. Kicked a great goal outside 50m.

Obviously we will improve a fair bit come round 1 but I just hope we don't come out like last year playing soft and uninspired footy.

Rounds 0 to 2 we had a distinct lack of want to get physical and work for each other, we played a more conservativebrand and paid the price imo that cost us as when we fixes it we were always chasing tail left making finals up to having to win 9 straight.

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