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Date Posted: 08:22 21/02/25 Fri
Author: Rodda83
Author Host/IP: 61-245-159-104.3df59f.adl.nbn.aussiebb.net /
Subject: I thought Hayes looked a mile off it didn't see the pace either. Browne however stood out.
In reply to: collingwoodj 's message, "few thoughts on that..." on 18:15 20/02/25 Thu

Reef did well over all.

Ryan had some good contested wins but then absolutely butchers the footy every possession.And I wish I was being sarcastic on that.

WHE was WHE looked one of our better ones.
McStay near on No show.
Mihocek also blanketed.
Howe stayed home with McStay.
McCreery did some good stuff and some gone fishing minutes, but not used through midfield unfortunately which they were largely having the better of us.
Elliot had a good midfield break lovely kick onside 50 unfortunately aimed between 2 Lions players.
Allan didn't do a lot and when he did his kicking let him down.
Cameron competed.
Moore had a mixed game but overall ok.
IQ didnt do a hwole lot right or wrong. Where was the run. Do they need to work on his timing and running off opportunity? Or is he directed to stay tight ?
Buzzy looked fit, bit of an IQ level game from him though.
Josh D looked to be continuing on from 24.
Houston looked lost. Will improve as the team gels.

Is there any concren that there is still a large reliance on the older guard (and ND?)

This trade them in and avoid the draft can't replace 8 high end players that way over likely 2 seasons.

We are going to be bottoming through Tasmania's introduction. Timing couldn't be worse for a rebuild, could get stuck their for 4 to 6 year period if not careful.

The next big trade they do needs to be closer to Nick Daicos age range too.

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