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Date Posted: 02:13 22/02/25 Sat
Author: Rodda83
Author Host/IP: 61-245-159-104.3df59f.adl.nbn.aussiebb.net /
Subject: And what's that exactly pieman? Half a footy game where our boys barely showed up?
In reply to: Pyeman WPBD 's message, "Or Fly and the footy department got exactly what they wanted out of the trial" on 21:40 21/02/25 Fri

Even on a purely get run into the legs it's not even half a game with interchanges.
What run they didn't even get to the fatigue quarters of Q3 and Q4. Brisbane and GC did and both fielded very strong and constinstant line ups due to playing 4 quarters without a 90 min break between them.

They didn't adapt to either teams hardness on the ball and man, skills down, looked pedestrian and slow, weak in many contest barring the odd player, gameplan looked early 2024 stagnant.

We got fk all out of it other then more questions then answers.
Allan showed fk all but a nice takeaway and then missing hospital ball that travelled 15m.
We learnt Ryan can't kick.
Hayes 3.0 sec 20m time was correct ie slow for his height.
McStay and Mihocek off the boil probably in part due to ball movement.
Elliott in one half of footy got 1 passage of play that looked great but kicked to 2 lions favour. Outside that barely touched it.
Our old gaurd still carry way too much load.
We didn't look as fit, as hard or as skilled as the opposition.

AFL relevant:
Reef, Parker, ND and to a lesser degree West, Moore, WHE,JD looked decent.

The gameplan looked disjointed and stagnant going into f50 hell even forward half.

On another note.
Love pendles bit he's chronic on the slow play hold up retain sideways kick. Allows opposition an eternity to get back and man up.

Anyone getting hyped over that needs to seriously get their eyes checked.

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