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Subject: Smiles

Blue Blood
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Date Posted: 22:35:05 03/29/02 Fri
In reply to: Horizon 's message, "*grins*" on 11:40:36 03/29/02 Fri

"Oh yeah," she dives for him.


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Date Posted: 17:22:05 03/30/02 Sat

*he jumps and just as she falls,he runs over and pins her down*


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Blue Blood
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Date Posted: 18:00:05 03/30/02 Sat

"That's no fair," she say with a grin.

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Date Posted: 16:57:44 03/31/02 Sun

What are you gonna do now,my dear? *smirks playfully*

(does she like him?)

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Blue Blood
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Date Posted: 17:40:11 03/31/02 Sun

She gets up and looks at him. "Look I gotta tell you something," she looks down. "Ever since i came in to help Abracis I errr I liked you. But I didn't say cause i didn't know what you would say and you like Abracis and this didn't change my opinion when I told you it I still would have said the same thing whether I liked you or not," she scratched her claw quietly on the ground. "I'm sorry."

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Date Posted: 14:43:54 04/01/02 Mon

Well,i don't think 2 females had ever liked me at once.I can't say i don't like you,but Abracis just ran in crying.What to do,what to do? *thinks*

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Blue Blood
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Date Posted: 22:19:05 04/01/02 Mon

"Lucky, I'd say," she says with a small grin. "Well unfortunately I can't help you this time that would be abit unfair but it's your choice. I'll go wait outside, most likely I'll try and persuade yo...," her voice trails away as she thinks of a song that remind her of this situation. "Funny isn't it how music can actually mean something," she smiles and walks towards the entrance of the cave quietly singing the song. "And anyone can tell, you think you know me well but you don't know me..."

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Date Posted: 14:23:58 04/02/02 Tue

I must say,you are more my type than Abracis is,but she claims to love me. *sighs*

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Blue Blood
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Date Posted: 00:49:22 04/03/02 Wed

and smiles. "For what it's worth, I do love you."

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Date Posted: 14:08:57 04/03/02 Wed

But,i don't want to have to choose between you and her. *walks up to her and holds her hand,he kisses it* And i love you. *sighs*

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Blue Blood
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Date Posted: 21:46:14 04/03/02 Wed

"And I'm sorry to have to put you in this position," her hand slowly slips away. "My life wasn't made for love I guess," she hold back the tear welling for not wishing to look like someone who cries at the drop of a hat.

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Date Posted: 04:22:31 04/04/02 Thu

*shakes his head in disagreement*

If you weren't meant for love,you would not have met me.I love you.

*he takes her hand back*

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Blue Blood
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Date Posted: 15:05:06 04/04/02 Thu

She closes her hand around his. "But you must make the difficult choice."

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Date Posted: 18:42:27 04/04/02 Thu

I know. *he leans forward and kisses her*

(go to Abracis's post)

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