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Subject: **He looks up at her and began to explain.**

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Date Posted: 11:20:26 01/26/02 Sat
In reply to: Moonlight 's message, "..Cocks her elegant head..+What's a matter with Thor?+" on 16:18:02 01/21/02 Mon

We've grown apart, far apart. He's avoiding me the best he can, and runnin off and such. Dunno what's gotten into the little dragon, but that's what he's been acting like. Then he caught this disease.
**His voice dropped, not wanting to speak of the horrible sickness and the spores that Thor brought to the island.**
Moonlight, I dunno where he got this sickness or nothin, but all'va sudden he came home and spread these awful spores to all the hatchlings on the isle. It seemed to have lasted forever. Sese found the antidote. But lemme tell you, it was awful. All the hatchlings thought their names were something like Cindy or Mandy, God Awful names like that. They were talkin about goin to a store... 7-11 or something like that. The sickness lasted so long, and our Thor brought it here. Once it was gone, he went back to his old self. Avoiding me, treating me like someone other than his own father.
**He paused, remembering how his own father treated him.**
And... The last thing I want for Thor is to feel the way I felt when I was around my father. But I can't stop it. Our family's got problems, Moonlight. Ever since you went away.
**He felt awful saying that to his mate, but it was true. He told her the story. He got it out of his system. It felt good to say it all out loud, but terrible to look back on it all.**

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[> [> [> [> Subject: ..She looks away..

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Date Posted: 14:12:36 01/26/02 Sat

+I see.....+

..Unable to think of anything more at the moment, she looks away horror struck..

+All I wanted was for you two to get along! That's all I ever wanted. You came, and it was like a dream come true, 'till o' course I left for my long journey. I thought everything thing would be alright...........+

..Turns away, tears burning her scarlet eyes..

+I thought you'd be a good father, and I know you are...Thor is going through hard times that we both never went through. It's hard to be a teenager in a world like this+

..sighs, her black scales dull shimmering as she scrapes a silver talon on a rock nearby, and turns to face the moon.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: **He looks on trying to put together the right things to say.**

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Date Posted: 14:21:51 01/27/02 Sun

Listen Moonlight. None of this is Thor's fault. Ever since we decided to have Ceniza, he thought he was being left out. Because we adopted Thor, he was deeply offended when we had the idea of "having one of our own," as he put it. I felt real badly about it all, but I didn't know how the heck I was supposed to handle something like this. You know I don't have that ability... You know I can't let it all out like some can. I'm not like that. So I sheltered myself, and that's when Thor started this whole thing. Then you left. I think you're the only thing Thor really has to depend on now. I think I'm sort of out of the picture. I feel like dirt. Worse than dirt.
**He looked down, ashamed.**
It's me. Not you. Not Ceniza. Not him. It's me. And I regret everything I did to him.

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