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As you swim through the ocean, the tides pick up and sweep you away to a forgotten place. You glance around and see a small hole in the ground. You swim through and go through a maze of tangled seaweed. Finally, you arrive at a place you wouldn't think ever existed. It is so beautiful! Walls of Coral Reef surround many sides. The sun shines above. Schools of fish surround you. Dolphins swim below and above you.
One dives down to greet you. "Hello," he says. "My name is Dark Waves. I am the alpha male here. You have just arrived at Lightning Tides. You are welcome to stay, but leave if you please." And with that, he seems to disapear with the tides.

If there are any more, please email me and I will add them]

Lightning Tides Positions:
Alpha Male: Dark Waves
Email Dark Waves
Alpha Female:

Back-up Male:
Back-up Female:

Delta Male:
Delta Female:

Beta Male:
Beta Female:

Sigma Male:
Sigma Female:

Sub-ordinate Males:

Sub-ordinate Females:



~Dark Waves is looking for a mate
~If there is any more, please tell/email me

Tides are wild. Clouds are overcast. Sun is partially out.

Excused Absenses:

Dark Waves

Secret Currents
Cascade Mountains
Cosmic Waters

Subject Author Date
11yr Grl Blows Dad Great Tits Awsome Nipples [r@ygold Pthc D-addswahafaran19:13:42 01/20/14 Mon
Shale Grey Femme Swims in,Sweet Vioce Echoing through crystaline waters.. (NT)Aquilla00:50:21 10/14/01 Sun
Welcome All! (NT)Dark Waves12:19:27 10/13/01 Sat

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