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Date Posted: 1/06/15 6:46am
Author: Steve
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Subject: Re: the Hawks, a serious question
In reply to: TT 's message, "Re: the Hawks, a serious question" on 6/05/15 11:52am

We studied the Tigers of the late sixties/early seventies and saw how well it worked.

So, we've copied it ever since while you sacked the nice old teatotaler (who condoned on field sniping and king hits) we stole it from.

We forgot about it for awhile until Essendon's carrying on of the tradition by Hafey's disciple reminded us the year before the line in the sand game.

Since that game, we've become unsociable again, envied again and won three out of four Grand Finals we've played in.

10 - 12 Gav. And there's a lot of truth in us copying Richmond from the 70's era. They could beat North, North could beat us, we could beat Richmond. Until we started belting North up consistently, they'd cruise around us. Natural talented footballers. They had more. Vicious bastard footballers. With a fair amount of naturally talented players as well was the key in changing the thrashing of 75 to the wins of 76 and 78. 77 injuries really killed us. And when we did get back to near full strength, losing to the Woods by two points in the PF with Matthews of all players kicking 3goals like a normal day out but six points to go with it! Went off with that many injured players who shouldn't have played the following week but had no choice or we'd have been belted. We were belted anyway.

Geezus, 42 years later and still remembering those games. Strange thing that lump in our heads we call a brain remembers.

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