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Sunday, February 23, 06:42:38amLogin ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345 ]

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Date Posted: 24/11/15 7:43pm
Author: sukmeov
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Subject: I see the problem here. You're confusing disliking somebody with cockhead behavior. Let me explain.
In reply to: TT 's message, "Re: Bartlett is a media overachiever" on 23/11/15 7:57am

Brayshaw is far worse than Eddie because Eddie is the real deal. Brayshaw is trying to be Eddie but, for whatever reason, will always be a poor man's version/tryhard of the real thing. Thus he comes across as a cockhead. Eddie doesn't have to talk like he comes from Broadie coz he actually does come from Broadie. Brayshaw likes to talk like he's one of the boys when he really is a spiv from SA. That is cockhead behavior.

Jack & Lou never had to pretend. Especially Captain Blood. What you saw is what you got.

BT, on the other hand wow wee, repeats his own try hard catch phrases over & over in the hope they will catch on. As a result he will call Jake Stringer 'The Package' over & over in an attempt to make the football world embrace the nickname he has decided to give that player regardless of whether Stringer does anything remarkable. That is pure cockhead behavior.

But absolute cockhead behavior is publicly declaring Treloar will become a Tiger & when he doesn't, instead of just admitting you got it wrong & you don't know jack & you are a dick, you carry on with the Tigers are closer to a premiership than Collingwood nonsense. Total cockhead behavior. A true Tiger. A total cockhead.
We know he is a sook. He proved that after he became the first coach to ever get sacked. COCKHEAD.

Caroline Wilson. Cockhead bitch who never apologizes for being wrong.

That ex Bulldog cunt who broke his leg against Collingwood & thinks he is clever but is just filling space on the dud games. Cockhead.

The Push Up King. He actually makes another cockhead in Carey sound smart. Fuck me. C.O.C.K.H.E.A.D!

Wayne Campbell. Cockhead.

The Geish. Cockhead.

Fuck me mate. There must be a cockhead factory at Richmond!

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