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Date Posted: 2/08/16 2:23pm
Author: Dr J
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Subject: Re: Serious question ...
In reply to: Satan 's message, "Re: Serious question ..." on 26/07/16 12:55am

Satan your response seems to focus a bit on academies as a big reason why some clubs are always shit.

I don't see it that way. Academies are good for all in the AFL as they bring a broader talent pool. If Mills wasn't drafted by Sydney via the academy, Josh Dunkley would be playing for Sydney not the Bulldogs.

Clubs giving up future picks was their own decision. The holders of those picks might use them on academy players or they might use them on regular draft picks. Academy players are available for all other clubs to pick from, therefore expanding the talent pool.

Lets stop using the academies as excuses for other teams shitness.

Maybe just maybe other teams are run and managed better than the "big 4".

To TT's original question, I don't have any hard evidence to support this, but the Big 4 seem to base a lot of their decisions on the impact of supporter backlash or emotion. Essendon's decision to allow Hird to drag the club through the mire throughout 2012-15 would seem to be based on him being a club great. Collingwood's decision to appoint Buckley was perhaps based more on emotion than any hard evidence that he was the best coach available at the time. Richmond's decision to extend Hardwick's contract, well who knows why that decision was made. Carlton - Kernahan as President, really???

Other clubs, simply make the decision based on what is best for the club and move on. Geelong not re-signing Johnston, Kelly and Stokes is a good example of not letting emotion rule.

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