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Date Posted: Mon, 10 Mar 2008, 0:03:31
Author: Ian Cooper
Subject: Re: Eddie Chapman
In reply to: jean 's message, "Re: Eddie Chapman" on Thu, 09 Nov 2006, 13:25:24

Eddie Chapman was my grandad. I know a few snippets of stories from his younger days when he was (apparently) a bit of a lad. He told us of his young days when he used to heckle when politicians were making political speeches. He was an avowed pacifist and he often told me how he would have been a conscientious objector if he'd been called up to fight - fortunately WW1 ended before he became old enough to serve. His father and his older brother served - both were wounded - his brother was gassed and died young due to the effects on his lungs.

I remember he had an Austin Morris car - even though I was a kid when I travelled in it I can still remember the smell. I remember one time my grandad - this was when he was older - accidentally got onto the motorway going the wrong way. My dad was kind of upset at him for that. I don't know the exact circumstances, but my mum and I thought it was really funny.

When I last visited Eddie shortly before he died we talked about politics, but I'm kinda wary about getting into political discussions on an internet forum. Suffice to say, as well as being a very devout Christian Eddie was very politically motivated, although perhaps he kept this to himself in later years - I don't know.

If anyone else has stories, please let me know. My mum told me a lot of stories, but she died rather unexpectedly last year and she was the 'memory person' for our family. I have a memory like a sieve, so perhaps if anyone else can remember anything it might spark some memories that I've buried in my subconscious somewhere.

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