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Mysterious Ocean - Midnight Star
*As you enter this land, you find out that what your actually were on was a tropical beach, and above the beach a tropical forest and big lush grass, room, awaiting for horses to eat. As you look at this paridise, a bold stallion gallops up to you.* Hello,*he speaks, softly, but firmly* I am Midnight Star, Lead Stallion of this tt. I have at last found a mate.*Smiles, then points over to his mate, §erengeti.* I'm glad you decided to join me and §erengeti as well as with the others.*And nods to the rest.*Of course, if your here just to visit, then you may stay as long as you like, and, if you stay active, then you will earn a position!*Then he nickers to his mate, then she ellegently trots up.*Hello, I am §erengeti. We hope you decide to stay!*Then she smiles, then they both speak.* Well, we better go. See you later!*Then, with that, they leave to go to the others, and let you decide if you would like to stay in this tropical paridise.*
So, what will you do?


Lead stallion~ Midnight Star****

Lead mare~ §erengeti*****

Lead filly~Midnight Destiny***** and Midnight Sky*****
Lead colt~None at the moment

Back-up stallion~ Thunder*****
Back-up mare~ Teqa*****

Beta mare~ Gold Treasure**(gone)
Beta stallion~ §econd and Last Chance*****
(They are NOT mates!)

Delta stallion~ Policy of Truth***(Gone for a while)
Delta mare~ Penny*****
(They are NOT mates!)

Gamma mare(s)~ Atlantic Beauty***(quit but is comming back), Chenoa**(Gone for a while), Destiny's Last Chance***, Sky Stone***, border girl***
Gamma stallion(s)~ Destiny Skies**, Cyrin**

Sigma stallion~ none
Sigma Mare(s)~ Fire`s Last Wish**,(The Beautiful Colors of a)Phenix Rainbow***, Fire's Last Wish***

Crash=Teqa and Thunder

Midnight Destiny= Midnight Star and Dancing With Destiny
Midnight Crashing Thunder(Crash)=Midnight Star and §erengeti
Silver MoonBeam= Chenoa
S†arƒire= Atlantic Beauty
Enchanted Echo=?

~*~Other Mares~*~
None at the moment.(If so, just say so!)

~*~Other Stallions~*~ Prince(If so, just say so!)

Midnight Star&§erengeti
Destiny Skies&Ebony
Prince&Gold Treasure

*****=EXTREMLY or VERY active!
****= Active!
***= Sorta active, but stretching it
**= un-active, please start to get active, till your removed

Please welcome all the new comers! I gladly appricate it! Also Thunder. Congrats on the back-up position! Welcome!

Hapening news beside about the tt
We have quite a few new comers! Welcome!

~*~Last updated~*~
September 5, 2002

Would you like to join a very cool place where you can adopt little creatures, play with them, feed them and have tons of fun? Please consider joining Neopets I play there. It's REALLY fun! And if you need more money on it you can talk to me and I can help you! Please join!

Archives: 123 ]

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