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Date Posted: 12:45:35 11/11/02 Mon
Author: + ... [ Arctic Freeze ] ... +
Subject: + ... [ Cold Front ] ... +

+ ... [ Cold Front ] ... +

Vixen enters the land, auditives swivel round, listening vaguely to to other conversations, but mostly focusing on the talk fo the war. Stopping by Starlight those grouped, she gives a bow of her head in greeting, a small smile to Starlight.

" I am Arctic Freeze, residing in Angelic's home. I, do not agree at all with what the Queen did. Any of us could've snuck, or challenged, for her. She chose to make a deal with an evil. Now, we either have three choices, fight with the evils, fight with the lights, or, not fight at all. "

Vixen stops for a moment, before continuing.

" We're, basically at a crossroad. We have three paths, which one to take? I myself, have nothing to lose, therefore with fight with the lights. I ask you, think if you wish to fight or not. You never know what will happen in a war. Some of you, have fought in a war, or many wars. Some of you... have lost friends & family to war. The Lights need help.. as Starlight said to us, you have your own mind, make your own choices. "

Vixen stands tall, awaiting the reply of those in the terrain.

The Cold Front Has Arrived

From warmth we're deprived

We Try To Hide

From The Chills Inside

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