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Date Posted: 13:52:44 11/19/02 Tue
Author: Letter
Subject: Help?

~*A piece of paper is carried by a sparrow. As she flies overhead of the territory, she drops the letter amidst the herd below*~

Dear Fellow Neutrals,
It is I, Light's Mystery, writing you this letter, for all to read. The Neutrals have fallen fairly inactive over these past months, this many have noticed. Our king and Queen, Light's Perfection and Amunet have gone, leaving their daughter Esparanza in their stead. And now she, too, is gone. Angelic Delight is our Queen, as we all know. But I have a proposition for you all. I would like to make the Neutrals a democracy. Maybe not a true democracy, but one in which we at least elect one main leader, and they have only a short term at which to serve the people, with a council of horses elected by us to represent us to the leader. I cannot go into details in this letter, but those of you interested may meet me in the Open Meadow to further discuss this possibility. If you do not support the idea, or are not interested in representing ourselves, and giving power to the horses of the neutrals, you do not have to pay any attention to this letter. My reasons for wishing for a Neutral Democracy are many...but there are a few big ones. One, our monarchy is in shambles...there is total chaos amidst our royal family right now, and if something were to happen--any crisis--we would not be ready for it. Number two, our Queen, Angelic Delight, was snuck by Renissance Art last week. It was agreed that if the Neutrals joined a war against the Lights on the side of the Evils, she would be freed. Without consulting her people, Angelic Delight agreed with the Evils, placing ALL of our lives on the chopping block--the lives of our families, friends, mates, and children. The future of our entire side, quite possibly. She served herself before she served her people, and I, personally, do not like it. If our government was in more hands than one--in the hands of a council of representitives and one elected leader to organize it--maybe we would have some say in what our government does.
That is all I wish to write in one letter...those who are interested in making the Neutrals a democracy, please meet with me, Light's Mystery, in the Open Meadows
Sincerely Yours,
Light's Mystery.

~*The letter flutters to the ground and opens, word-side up*

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