Date Posted:14:01:04 11/19/02 Tue Author: Policy of Truth Subject: A Message From The Queen
*returning once more to his home, the blue roan stallion stood in the open, calling out to all in order to catch their attention. Knowing that all eyes were on him, he speaks, slowly and clearly, making each word was correct as he had been asked to deliver*
My benevolent and understanding friends,
I owe you all not only a great apology but an explaination of the actions that I have taken in the past week, and I shall hope that you will accept my sincerest apologies and will allow me the opportunity to earn your respect back once again.
Having been called selfish but allow me a mere moment to explain the motivation behind my agreement! I only wished to return to you, my peers, and put order where there was chaos. And that to insinuate that the decision I made was a selfish one, is to insinuate that chaos and disorder should be allowed to run rampant throughout the neutral section. No. I could never let our home fall into and for us to drift our own seperate ways. That was the main reason for my agreement with King Ziraga.
However, the fact that my love for our home and my peers does not excuse nor give me the right to risk the lives of everyone and I realized this when I had agreed to the terms. I had no real intention of putting anyone on the battle field that did not willingly wish to go on their own free will. Also, I know that support can be given and technically considered "fighting with" just by doing simple non-violent acts. For example, sheltering darker natured foals from the cold brutality of war and to prevent any harm from coming to them. Or providing medical attention to the wounded and so forth. Just because they are evil, does not mean that they have no souls or feelings, and I realize this and sypathize with them. Would we, as individuals, not want to tear someone limb from limb for taking away one of our children or someone that we have feelings for?
And due to the recent threat of rebellion from traitors in our midsts, I have been detained and delayed from delivering, forced to send this through a trusted friend, this most sincere and well deserved apology. I can only ask that you shall find it possible to consider accepting this apology and will grant me the chance to earn your respect back.
Humbly Yours,
Angelic Delight
*falling silent at the end, he waited patiently, curious at what the reaction of the others might be*