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Date Posted: 02:21:16 05/18/03 Sun
Author: Aqeuous
Subject: Yah and. . . .
In reply to: Silueta 's message, "Something you should watch out for.." on 04:48:04 05/17/03 Sat

Yah I agree wholeheartily with you guys. Um. . . I would have asked if one of you's wanted to be co-owner but I know you are really busy. I went and got someone else though, and it's really nifty, because I remember RPing with this charac a long time ago! They grew substantially through their RPing skills from.

"no she don't says the black hosre he rears up and bites"

To. . .

"I would feign know about the fattale." quipped the Ebon' brute. He throws his weight upwards, coming down heavily. Ivories flash, snapping to make a bite."

So I rewarded her with the position, beacause it takes a lot of hard work to do what she has done and I feel like she needs to get a piece of some intermediate level RPing rather than beginner or shall I say, beiginer

And Sillouetta? What were you talking about the magic thing? Wuz that with the Siren and that "Moon Bright"? charac.? I think Haunting Shadows is going to visit that charac. LOL!! I have no place to RP but beginner RPG's and what I actually wanted to attract was the advanced writers that needed to move on. Unfortunately I attracted a much more arrogant breed of RPers, the beginners. (scratches forehead) They give me a headache. Two things that really bother me. Rushed posts that mean absolutely nothing. And bad spelling. We're talking some baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad spelling.

Yah and Rita, take your time RPing, just let me know who your charac. is because I know how busy one can get.
(I'm graduating in less than a month.) I'll make sure no one messes around with ya (cracks knuckles)I want to make a bunch more territories but I'm getting stuck on Ideas. Do any of you have Ideas?

You know, I really feel out of the loop though, You know. I joined this RPG deal a long time ago to help me with my long time depression that I'd never get a horse. I've always wanted one, I luuuuuvv Horses soooooo much. I painted a miral of three unicorns on my wall. But I live in the city, therefore it's physically impossible to own one. Rita, tell all your horses that Leah says hi!!

Okay, it's two in the morning. and I'm really tired. So. . . I'm going to go to bed. See you all later!!!

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