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Date Posted: 10:28:52 07/14/03 Mon
Author: Leianna
Subject: \ Always And Forever /

[ introductions ]

[ encored ]
four a-time

[ formed ]

[ species ]

[ tarnished ]


[ brand me ]
none yet so

[ encage me ]
free as the

[ revere me ]
no child has
grown within

[ glace clair ]

Triangular satellites shift to capture the trills of bestial liege, protruding from twirled confection atop crown. What is this? The skittish cheri fumbles in the nothingness and a slight expulsion of carbon released with a pop in the same moment. Even her fumbling footwork was an image of pure grace and perfection. How could the gods produce such in one fell swoop?

Very detectable if he were close enough, empress' aura produced a slight fear within it, but also a well-defined courage to drive off those not suitable. The fabrication of this creature made no attempt to flee as of yet, each slight muscle tense and ready.. Why, hello there.. Piceous spheroids, with the vastness of macrocosms, feigned indifference to the blanch villain invading her personal space.

For the remaining moments, lithe vixen makes a sincere effort to keep her facade and be sure that they were always many feet apart in every direction. Who'd make the first move?

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