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Date Posted: 13:13:43 10/13/03 Mon
Author: Nocturne
Subject: ¨±¨ Cryptic Lullaby ¨±¨

¨±¨ Deceased litter the ground decaying ¨±¨
¨±¨ Nocturne of the dead now starts playing ¨±¨
¨±¨ Ghostly daggers dare to fly ¨±¨
¨±¨Listen to my cryptic lullaby ¨±¨


Vixen halted, dial lifted she untangled the messy web o' scents. Her horn glowing gave radience to the demoness's pelt making her look more transparent than thought possible. Silver occulars glanced about scanning the horizon.


¨±¨ As the haunting music chills your bone ¨±¨
¨±¨ You find there is only one demoness worthy for the dead's throne ¨±¨
¨±¨ Pale and ghostly is the description of she ¨±¨
¨±¨ Though she'd tear you 'til you bleed ¨±¨

¨±¨ Nocturne is the deads' queen ¨±¨

¨±¨ Carefully debated was the gender to lead the dead¨±¨
¨±¨ They wanted one that was not going to loose its head ¨±¨
¨±¨ Though one that's male would be more likely to be power crazed ¨±¨
¨±¨ The dead like one with an unemotional gaze ¨±¨

¨±¨ The dead choosen a vixen ¨±¨

¨±¨ Though immortal she may seem ¨±¨
¨±¨ There is a limit to her schemes ¨±¨
¨±¨ Terror has crept here for years and years ¨±¨
¨±¨ Time to show the years of shed tears ¨±¨

¨±¨Her terrors witnessed for 7 years ¨±¨

¨±¨ The dead have come... ¨±¨


Shriek t'was emmitted from her vocals. It was a soprano melody, a tenor song. The lullaby that guides her. The lullaby that haunts you. Come and listen to her darkened chorus.


¨±¨ Your in my graveyard now... ¨±¨

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