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Date Posted: 11:38:11 03/18/04 Thu
Author: Velvet
Subject: -^Not if used correctly^-
In reply to: Ram'shi 's message, "± wicked is the art of black magic ±" on 14:30:27 03/13/04 Sat

(i've been meaning to get a hold of you, do you have the password to this board? i need to delete the posts, make active threads rotate, and redo the page to make it look okay. i know how to do tables now so i can try to make it look decent. and i have some good news too, but velvet doesn't know yet. enchancee, the evil queen queen, is on the verge of raging war with the neutrals...i bet if we agree to help her she'll agree to help us defeat camelot. how's that sound?)

-^the matching black female emereged nearby, her coat shaggy for still attractive. 'oh, wow. to what do I owe this pleasure?' she grinned crookedly and took a seat beside her queen.^-

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[> [> ± black magic ± -- Ram'shi, 16:39:45 03/19/04 Fri

(yes,i do have the password somewhere i think.email me and i'll give it to you.and that plan sounds pretty good.)

± slight smirk came to the ebon femme's face ±
You owe nothing to anyone Velvet,my friend.How have you been?
± ruby eyes looked into those of ebon ±

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[> [> [> -^learning the fine art^- -- velvet, 21:45:24 03/19/04 Fri

(if i can get into my account the email will come from withintargetrange)

-^she grinned and listened to the fay's voice. "i talked with the dark queen Enchancee...the scent of war is heavy and i pledged what troops we had, to assist her. she rambled a lot but the way i figure it is stratch her back and she'll scratch mine. the neutrals are just a step away from camelot. if we disarm them and tire camelot with war, they'll be to weak to rage on. where as we have reinforments. its a smart plan, enchancee's i might add though id like to take credit." she grinned, being truthful to her queen. "you're back in perfect timeing, we'll see you sitting on that kosses' throne." ^-

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[> [> [> [> ± black magic ± -- Ram'shi, 16:53:02 03/20/04 Sat

± vixen smirked slightly ±
It sounds like a good plan to me Velvet.You can expect my relatives on your side as well.
± a wicked smile came to her face ±
The triplets,Blood,Flesh,and Bones.They are grown now,and skilled in the art of black magic.Rass'des,my dearest uncle,is unfortunately ill at the moment.
± a slight frown came to her lips at this thought.he was strong.and a wonderful fighter and aid in battle ±
The triplets should be enough.They are strong.Anyways,Velvet,what other forces do we have fighting?
± queen waited.last time she had been here it had been deserted.what forces did the black magic wolves even have right now?she hoped it was a strong force ±

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[> [> [> [> [> #Live my nightmare# -- Living Nightmare, 10:43:35 03/21/04 Sun

#The tainted male strode from the darkness around them, his dark eyes glinted like the embers of a fire that did not die. He had overheard part of their conversation and hoped they would not mind him joining them#
"You 'ave me m'lady."

#He spoke his accent rich and charming, he dipped his dark head to the queen respectfully#
"Living Nightmare, at yer service. I was 'ere awhile back Ram'shi, I took a nip of a vacation and now... we'll say this is more my flavor."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> ± black magic ± -- Ram'shi, 18:26:05 03/21/04 Sun

± she watched the male walk up.she remembered him,or at least,one like him with a similar name.bowing her head in greeting,she spoke ±
Hello Living Nightmare.It's good to have you back on our side.
± looking back to Velvet,she waited patiently for an answer ±

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> #Dark Nights, and Days# -- Nightmare, 10:15:36 03/22/04 Mon

#He dipped his head lightly and sat down. He kept s respectful silence to let the two females talk#

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> -^eerie days pass us by^- -- Velvet, 07:16:30 03/23/04 Tue

-^she listen to the question, pondering it as the other male came up. it was as if he'd answered himself with his mere presence. "there are others that will return, i hope. we also have Nukapana's herd if the need arrives. he's horses will help. I know of another male we might be able to get- he's light right now...but, while i was watching enchancee and antigra...they gave me an idea. I'm sure we could convert Dire. and there's always Silver Streak and his kids, if they'll come back. his dad's light and i doubt he'd convert. but there's more wolves. we'll just have to see who comes home."^-

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ± black magic ± -- Ram'shi, 17:22:25 03/26/04 Fri

± she nodded as she listened.there was a surprise in there.looking at Velvet,she inquired ±
Dire?This can't be the Dire I remember if you think we could convery him.
± she waited silently,running through the other names ±

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