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Date Posted: 01:02:16 07/31/00 Mon
Author: Dirk
Subject: SMOKE THIS!!!!!

I hope all you Anti-Smoking Fanatics are Happy!!!!
With the latest Lawsuite against the Tabaco Industry all that has been accomplished is the raising of cigarette prices,and is has made a few Lawyers a great Deal richer!
Do you believe the Government really wants us to quit smoking??? Bullshit!!! Just think of all the Tax-Money it would lose,and if the government was serious wouldn't it be cheaper to buy "patches" and other devices which are supposed to help to you quit??? At this Point it is still cheaper for me to buy cigarettes than to buy patches or gum!!! What about the Health Care Industry,they sure as hell don't want a nation of healthier People!!!
Do you really believe those poor schmucks who started that latest Lawsuit in Florida are going to see any of that money they supposedly won? There won't be much left after the lawyers are Paid and you better believe that the tobacco industry will appeal the decision,so by the time th money is freed up,if ever,the people will most likely have died.All that Buhumbug about quiting Smoking and being healthier,was just a way for Clinton to get higher approval ratings and to raise taxes!
Quit the Witch Hunt and stop making the Rich richer and us poor addicts fork over more of our hard earned cash to feed our habit!!!!

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