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Date Posted: 18:03:14 12/07/01 Fri
Author: Corbien
Subject: *Dying wolf enters*

*THe wolf induces a gag reaction as soon as you see her. She has been gruesomely mutilated, by wolves, dragons or humans, you cannot be sure. The flesh covering her spine is ragged and torn, as if a thousand teeth had been slashing at it, and in some places white bone peeks through. There is a gash across her shoulder and her haunches resemble ground beef. One paw dangles useless, she holds it in the air in pain. Her ears are torn and scarred and the tips will always be ragged if they heal. Her face is covered in perforations from jaws, trying to bite her in the face. One eye is a pale, moonstone white with a strange dark blue pupil. THe other eye is gone, and a knot of scar tissue remains where it once was. Exhausted, she stretches out on the floor of the temple.*
I was a black magic wolf in a pack of lights. I was planning to leave them for you, but before I went, I sacrificed the only pup of the alpha male and female for luck. They caught me in the middle of the ceremony, drawing runes on a stone with the pup's blood. They all attacked me in a fit of rage, and I managed to escape with my life. Ksskallagano, I am your follower. Please, heal me and let me join your territory. I will not fail you.

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