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Date Posted: 19:55:21 07/02/02 Tue
Author: a cousin
Subject: Re: Blue Lotus Feet
In reply to: ben 's message, "Re: Blue Lotus Feet" on 16:23:48 04/25/02 Thu

(in response to all of these messages) no one has yet to mention "south side of the world" -which is one of the most beautiful songs EVER!! 'blue lotus feet' contains two full length songs with a full band - "one with the birds" and "southside.." - followed by 5 short krishna tunes performed solo/acoustic. the whole e.p. is damn good. as far as the other records are concerned -- yes,yes -do give 'arise' a few more listenings -just not everyday. ('cause it's probably jes healthier that way.) -with 'ease' i liked the record at first. -but after hearing the songs performed live a handful of times, i grew to love them as much as when it all began with 'there is no one' and 'days in the wake' - with 'viva last blues' all i got to say is "cat's blues" baby. -- and uhh, as for "...the fanatic, geek you might say" - whatever boss, your the one typing on a message board. who you calling corndog, corndog?? ----- --
'all most heaven' is where it's at.

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