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Date Posted: 10:22:26 11/05/02 Tue
Author: Jaag T. Al-Faaza
Subject: Re: Questionnaire?
In reply to: betty 's message, "Questionnaire?" on 10:51:45 10/31/02 Thu

>1. Describe why you think you are a fan of Will
>Oldham's music.

Gosh, I'd say he seems like the genuine article. And smarter, too, than what we've been allowed to expect from our rock stars. He' a great songwriter - one of the top 5 of this generation - and prolific, to boot.

>2. What emotions does his music create in you while
>you're listening? Please give examples of songs and

The emotion of surprise, maybe. I tend to be surprised by good songs in that when a song becomes good, it's usually gone in a direction that I wasn't totally ready for. I identify with a lot of lyrics, many of the ones The Lorax singled out, and others, too - e.g. "We all know what we know, it's a hard swath to mow, when you think like a hermit you forget what you know." or, "scream my name above the din, above the engine's carnal din, above the calves who bleat their lungs out - bah bah moo moo bah bah."

These are things that surprise me. What else do I want?

>3. Name 5 other artists you are a fan of.

1. Bukka White 2. Merle Haggard 3. Tom Ze 4. Joni Mitchell 5. The Raincoats

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