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Date Posted: 23:38:51 11/09/01 Fri
Author: J. Bond
Subject: On a downslide?

This is tantamount to heresy in a venue like this, but...does anyone else notice the decline in quality regarding Mr.Oldham's ouput?

Sure, as of late there has been a solid full-length(EASE DOWN...),a somewhat interesting EP(JOLLY), and a nice, though too short, 10" collabo with DC head Rian Murphy(ALL MOST HEAVEN). What of "MORE REVERY" though? Pretty lackluster I found, though my attachment to Oldham due to his past output had me giving it many more chances than it probably deserved(re: Franklin Bruno's article way back in '96 via CMJ when speaking on ARISE THEREFORE). Lost Blues part 2 was worthy of purchase but the additional songs left much to be desired. I SEE A DARKNESS had a few standout tracks(this site's title track and the short knockturne) however, in the end, suffered from it's filler.

This all sounds picky, no? I should be gratefull that the man produces at all. I am. Which is why I only reserve this analysis for a board so devoted to the work of just one man. I found this place because I genuinely love the work Oldham produces and faithfully purchase his prodigous output as soon as it comes out. That shouldn't make it taboo for me to become somewhat dissappointed with the man though.

I recall the solidity of THERE IS NO ONE.... and it's out-of-left-field-ness, the wispy flourish of DAYS IN THE WAKE, the languid groan of HOPE, the FUCK ME throttle of VIVA and then the masterpiece ARISE THEREFORE, all the singles interspersed in between such as the gorgeous MOUNTAIN EP(florida songs) the Little blue eyes 7", jim o'rourke collabo, the broken giant soundtrack, little joya.....STOP! It seems that when JOYA LP arrived something was amiss. Does anyone know? Joya, frankly, sucked. Lost Blues came after it and I'd heard it allbefore. I SEE A DARKNESS took too long to arrive and was a let down. EASE may only pass the litmus test due to it's break-away from the comparative dreck that was the 2 years preceeding.

BLue Lotus is the rare exception. But ODE? C'mon? would you have listened to that were it recorded by your neighbour(which it very well could have been)?

Am I wrong here? The only one who sees a decline?

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