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Subject Author Date
Empress Of The World PDF.pdf fauwani 09:42:54 01/26/14 Sun
Are you finding it difficult to pay the bills, feed the family, fuel the car and enjoy life? Daniya Jaffer 09:50:33 02/25/13 Mon
Get the whale! Rebbo Steelwave 10:44:56 11/03/01 Sat
*Grabs a harpoon and waits for the Bladeshark to get closer* (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 10:43:45 11/03/01 Sat
*takes the captain's wheel, steering the Bladeshark towards the sperm whale* (NT) Dash Riverfight 11:07:53 10/31/01 Wed
Ahoy, Dash, steer us towards the monster! (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 09:58:17 10/29/01 Mon
*A black otter with steel-blue streaks sails up in the Swiftbow* Rebbo Steelwave 13:40:03 10/28/01 Sun
*A black otter with steel-blue streaks sails up in the Swiftbow* (NT) Rebbo Steelwave 13:38:36 10/28/01 Sun
I did invite... Dash Riverfight 10:50:18 10/27/01 Sat
*After depositing the whale at Fanka Cove, they return to the hunting grounds* (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 10:43:29 10/27/01 Sat
*Turn us towards the cove!* (NT) Dash Riverfight 10:39:33 10/27/01 Sat
*Hurls himself at the rigging, climbing up to the sails nearly as fast as a squirrel up a tree* (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 10:38:13 10/27/01 Sat
*Hurls it into the dead whale and ties it to the mast* (NT) Dash Riverfight 10:34:59 10/27/01 Sat
*Grabs a harpoon, holding the coil of rope attached to it in left paw and the harpoon in right paw* (NT) Dash Riverfight 10:33:22 10/27/01 Sat
Well, all the ropes tied to the harpoons in it are ripped off, and it's floating away! (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 10:30:09 10/27/01 Sat
*Climbs up into the Bladeshark* (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 10:28:20 10/27/01 Sat
*runs to the Bladeshark's bows, grabbing some rope. Hurls one end to Lakesling* (NT) Dash Riverfight 10:26:44 10/27/01 Sat
*The whale writhes in its death throws, knocking me off* (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 10:24:53 10/27/01 Sat
*Grabs another harpoon and leaps on the whale's head, plunging the harpoon deep into its brain* (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 10:23:33 10/27/01 Sat
And it's swimmin' right towards us! (NT) Dash Riverfight 13:39:11 10/25/01 Thu
It's got a head wound from yer dirk, 2 harpoons in it, and a chunk o' flesh cut out of it. (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 09:45:20 10/25/01 Thu
*hurls another harpoon into the whale* (NT) Dash Riverfight 09:43:28 10/25/01 Thu
WAITAMINUTE! We can't eat it if it's poisoned! (the whale, not the harpoon) (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 09:39:01 10/25/01 Thu
*grabs a dirty rusted harpoon* this is as good as poisoned! (NT) Dash Riverfight 09:37:35 10/25/01 Thu
*Helps Dash aboard.* (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 09:34:52 10/25/01 Thu
Help me over! OOC: more inside BIC: Hup! Dash Riverfight 05:24:19 10/25/01 Thu
*Back on the ship, he hurls another harpoon intothe whale* We need a poisoned harpoon! (NT) Lakesling Rivervfight 05:14:07 10/25/01 Thu
You'll see my plan. (NT) Lakesling Rivervfight 05:11:53 10/25/01 Thu
*Pulls out the dirk* Aren't we gonna kill it, mate? (NT) Dash Rivervfight 05:10:43 10/25/01 Thu
*Cuts out the harpoon and hurls it at the Bladeshark.* Now we can get back to the ship! (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 13:10:47 10/24/01 Wed
*The whale bites at me, missing my vital parts but slashing my chest with it's teeth* (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 13:08:23 10/24/01 Wed
*Comes out of te water and onto the whale. Draws his dirk and plunges it into the whale's head* (NT) Dash Riverfight 13:03:57 10/24/01 Wed
*The otter grabs a sword and leaps into the water to help* (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 13:01:58 10/24/01 Wed
*The whale capsizes the raft with a flick of it's tail* (NT) Dash Riverfight 12:59:58 10/24/01 Wed
*Rows out to the whale to finish it off* (NT) Dash Riverfight 12:58:41 10/24/01 Wed
We must be related! We're both Riverfights! Aye, there was a rope. (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 12:57:20 10/24/01 Wed
Was there a rope tied to that harpoon? Cause if there wasn't, it ain't gonna do much. (NT) Dash Riverfight 12:51:50 10/24/01 Wed
*Hurls the harpoon into the killer whale* (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 12:48:38 10/24/01 Wed
*Dash leaps from a raft onto the Bladeshark* I'll 'elp yer, matey! (NT) Dash Riverfight 12:45:11 10/24/01 Wed
*A killer whale swims towards the Bladeshark. Lakesling grabs a harpoon* (NT) Lakesling Riverfight 12:42:10 10/24/01 Wed
What this forum is for... Lakesling Riverfight 12:21:23 10/24/01 Wed

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