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Date Posted: 16:47:07 05/18/02 Sat
Author: Cascade
Subject: sighs
In reply to: Cascade 's message, "They canter upon the road...." on 17:19:12 05/15/02 Wed

Something telling her something, she stops pepper anf dismounts. "Okay, no dirt, thats not really living..." She looks around and pours out her dirt. Finding a baby-blue flower, she takes some rocks to dig up the roots of the flower. Having the flower out of the earth, she takes some soil and pours it into the jar, then replants the flower in the jar. Having that finished, she takes another jar and sets off to find water. Coming to a stream, she fills the jar with water, and looks around. "Something else that represents water...hmm" seeing a small fish, she cathces it and puts it into the jar with the water and smiles. "So I have water and Earth, now for air." She looks around and smiles. "Almost everything breathes air, so.." She opens the jar, and finds a small bee. Carefully, she lets it fly into the jar and puts the lid on. Taking a rock, she adds airholes in the top of the jar. "Now for fire." She finds a nice rock the has a dent in the middle, then fills it with some dry, dead grass. Taking two other rocks, she creates sparks by hitting them together and after many times, she has a falme going. "Not to keep it going untill we get to the tower." Grabing alot of grass ,she keeps feeding the fire. "Now for spirit, thats easy, I should hope." Going towards her mare,she mounts, feeding the fire, she spurs her mare into a fast canter, herading to the tower.

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