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Subject: The sexual exploits of a student

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Date Posted: 15:32:46 01/01/02 Tue

O.k boys sorry for my lack of participation on the page, busy student an all....
Right the story I was telling simon the other day was, upon returning to llani about 2 weeks before xmas I shagged my ex art teacher!!!! And before you guys ask she is only 28 years old not 50 or something stupid like that. After doing the business she said to me it would be even better next time if a third person would get involved - referring to my old p.e (female) teacher - someone who all the boys at school wanted to shag me included. Unfortunately no 3somes as yet coz I aint seen them, but hopefully it will happen soon!!!!
This was pretty fantasy stuff - particularly when she threw me on to the bed saying - "I'm the teacher and I expect full obediance in the class room" - i still can't stop laughing about it!!!!
Anyway hope u boys had a fab xmas and good new year, si i'll see you in cardiff before long so have fun revising for exams in process!!!! And i'll tell u about shagging that bird in the beer garden in tenby new years eve.
All the best,

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meant to get back to about those tenby capers Breesy. It sounds as if Llani is a bit wild!!Si Wills03:58:34 01/07/02 Mon

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