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Subject: Indoor cricket spectacular

Henry Blowfelt.
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Date Posted: 13:13:49 02/12/02 Tue

While the ACC is dormant during the winter many of there player either
swan off to warmer climates to play in the southern hemisphere or they
enjoy their time relaxing away from the game playing such sport as
football or rugby. But not Olly Torri, on sunday the 10th of feb while
most players were supporting a well earned hangover, olly was at
easington comprehensive school sports center plying his trade for his
durham college John Snow. The competition: The annual college indoor 6
side competition. After a 64 not out performance the previous year big
this were expected from olly Torri's bat! With am air of confidence
walked up to the non strikers end to pursue what surely was to be
another big total. However after running a quick single he took his
guard and faced up to the local parish quicky. What shortly followed
nothing short of a disaster while trying to flick one of his legs olly
lifted his back foot and with the keeper taking a blinding leg side
stumping olly was given out. However after confrunting the scorer, it
was found that the ball was actually a wide leaving olly's stats
reading....0 runs stumped from a wide therefore technically having not
faced a ball. anyhow the next two games supposedly could not get any
worse.. olly scored a twelve and a 3. in the final game however ollys
day finaly arrived, butnot with the bat!!!!!!

olly bowling first change took the the openers middle stump out
of the
ground (well not actually cus they were on springs!!!) on his 3rd ball.
olly then preceded to get the no 3 caught in the gully. Olly Torri
with a hatrick ball.... surely not. The college were found asking
themself questions such as, are they injured? or are they really that
bad. ollys final ball ove the over brought real drama, as the batsman
attempted to defent the ball it stuck him on the pad, the field setting
of three slips and a leg slip (this is indoor now so imagine how cocky
it is) along with the bowler and keeper all went up. the
decision......out! Olly Torri hatrick!!!!!

about 4 four overs went by before olly was brought back on
again With
the firt ball of his new over olly bowled the new bastman... four
wickets in four balls, could a double hatrick be on the cards???? The
next ball was blocked away by the returning opening batsman who had
scored 25 and retired. On the thrid ball of his over oll managed to get
the git caught at midwicket. ... 5 wickets in six balls, Could olly
clean up the entire team with 3 ball remaining and a batsman with about
as much talent as johny ollie playing with a battered cod from the
dolphin. Alas no!!! the bugger blocked me out. The final wicket fell in
the next over. Olly put him self in the indoor hall of fame and looks
the white indoor ball gleaming on his shelf everynight.

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Subject Author Date
Torri been dreaming againRobsy02:59:25 02/13/02 Wed

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