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Subject: Yet another olly torri match report this time footy.

david beckham this week.
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Date Posted: 07:44:38 02/18/02 Mon

Well, the setting, Newcastle united's acadamy pitch. the occasion, The northern universities league cup quater final.
Well it all begins as a bit of a shambles, They turm up late because of a collision on the a1, so the game starts 20 mins late and is reduced to 35 mins each way due to the ref only being booked for a certain time period. Anyway the game kicks off and is fairly even for the first 20 mins before durham take the lead. For the rest of the game durham dominated keeping the ball well and frustration the opposition at teh back. with about 10 minutes to go free kick on the left edge of the leeds box, olly torri rocks up bends the ball up and ove the wall in to the top left hand corner only for it to come crashing back off the bar. Seven minutes to go and the ball flies over the back four the duham keeper come out to collect but doesnt get. 1-1. into extra time. leeds score after 2 mins with a deflected goal. 2 mins from full extra time. durham score to level it to 2-2. Penalties. and this is how it went.

Durham saved
Leeds score
Durham saved
Leeds saved
Olly Torri scores
Leeds saved
Durham score
Leeds saved
Durham Saved
Leeds saved.

Durham will play either Leeds met or york in the semifinals. Ties to be schedualed for the 3rd and 4th of march.

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Olly Torri is my hero! (NT)SiWills03:03:53 02/19/02 Tue

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