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Mikey Remmington
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Date Posted: 04:00:28 03/29/17 Wed

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Crop Circles - What are They and What Causes Them?

In some areas around the globe one often find plants in crop fields or grasslands laid down in geometrically regular and complex patterns, usually in a circular fashion. This phenomenon, called crop circles, is steadily gaining a heavy attention in mass media, and has also created an immense subculture with a specific belief structure and a lot of social activity.

Crop circles are regular geometrical patterns that can occur in crop fields or grasslands. Within the patterns the plants are laid down in specific directions. The plants will often be sharply bent or halfway broken at a specific point near the ground. At this point the stalk can look more or less exploded or scorched as by heat.

The patterns typically consist of circles, rings, bows or other rounded elements laid out in a symmetrical manner and often connected with each other. The whole pattern can be small or large, 5-50 meter in diameter, and sometimes very complicated. Since they first gained broad public attention, they have grown in complexity, and each year seems to have its own fashion regarding geometrical pattern. They are usually produced during the night. They are seen all over the World, but the south of United Kingdom seems to show the highest frequency of this phenomenon.

Many of them have been revealed as hoaxes made by groups of people walking coordinated in the fields with planks under their feet, but not all of them can easily be explained this way.

Whatever causes them, there always seems to have been some force rotating or sweeping in a specific direction and thereby breaking and pressing the plants down. Sometimes people have seen light balls hovering over a place where crop circles have been found afterwards. Sometimes local stormy weather with swirling winds and heavy rain have occurred at the time of formation. Crop circles also tend to form at areas with underground waterways. Here are some possible explanations apart from the obvious hoaxes already mentioned:

Under certain physical conditions, a swirling wind may become stable and then spawn secondary swirls in a regular geometrical pattern, which again can spawn tertiary swirls so that you get a fractal structure of vortexes in the air with interconnections. At the bottom of these vortexes, the plants will be pressed down by the rotating air. Such swirls will also tend to contain electrical gradients that cause discharges, so that they can be seen as lightballs. Such discharges can possibly also cause internal explosions and scorching at specific points in the stalks of the plants.

Temperature gradients or gradients of electric charge from the soil up to some altitude in the air can possibly provide the energy for such swirls. If the energy in the gradient is released smoothly, air will be set in regular circular motion. Small sidewinds from such a vortex will trigger energy to be released in nearby places so that daughter swirls are created.

Another mechanism of formation can occur if the temperature at a spot in the ground is very different from that in the air and surrounding areas. Air will be heated or cooled over that spot. This will cause a wind up from this spot or down towards the spot and air to blow along the ground towards or from that spot. Such winds will always cause the air to swirl at the central point and regularly spaced vortexes in the area around.

Then you have the possibility that the circles are hoaxed, but with sophisticated technology, for example by drones that one lets fly over the fields, or by robotic ground vehicles set down by a drone. The drone or vehicle will move along in a specific preprogrammed geometrical pattern and press the plants down. If the drones used are of the vertical take off and landing type, they will blow air downwards and press the plants down this way. Drones can of course also carry specifically designed tools that force the plants to bow down and lie.

Some private persons or clubs with a solid budget could carry out this activity just for fun or because they get economical gain from visiting spectators or from selling books and films, and farmers may get paid for allowing crop circles to be made in their fields. But you also have the possibility that certain governmental, military or research organizations secretly make crops circles for various purposes.

One purpose of such organizations can be a large scale psychological and cultural experiment. Another purpose can be to create a certain structure in the psychology and culture of people that makes people more easy to lead and manipulate.

A purpose can also be to turn the attention of especially curious individuals away from certain governmental activities over to something that will occupy their curiosity more or less permanently and lead it astray.

Probably the crop circles were originally only a natural phenomenon that local people kept wondering about without a broader public being aware of them. But eventually a broader international public got interested in the phenomenon and speculations that these could be caused by extraterrestrials with important messages for us began to occur.

At this point, individuals, clubs and governmental institutions got the idea that they could secretly make their own crop circles in order to use the public attention for own purpose and gain. By now we probably have a situation where several instances of various kind compete with steadily more sophisticated technology about making steadily more spectacular crop circles, and with embedded messages with steadily stronger psychological effects. Those doing this may operate lonely, but have a mutual gain from the activity of other crop circle makers. And of course the natural phenomenon still occurs.

As already mentioned, many believe that extraterrestrial beings produce the phenomenon in order to signal their presence and leave certain important messages to be interpreted by humans. This explanation may not be impossible. But there is very little within the phenomenon that cannot be explained as natural processes or as the result of human activity with varying degree of technical sophistication, from the quite simple to state of the art drone technology.

Knut Holt is an internet based consultant and marketer focusing on technical and scientific items. He is also interested in health and fitness and in the investigation of strange phenomena. Please go to this web-site to read more about several scientific subjects, and to find smart products in the categories health and fitness, RC models and hobby, electronics, car equipment, and jewelry.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Knut_Holt/25995

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9251980

Enemas and Treatments Performed in Ballet schools

I have a hobby of investigating all things going on behind closed doors around the world. One method of doing so has been poll conducting and conversation with people about their experiences. Among others, I have been in extensive contact with actual and former students of ballet schools.

What I have learned is that enemas is a standard routine in these institutions for all students.

The students learn to give themselves enemas. They are also given enemas from therapists engaged at the school, usually the same therapists that give the students massage treatment. These enemas is often of the colonic type, with a mashine that flush in and out water.

The occations for getting enema and connected treatments in these schools are:

- In the morning the students give themselves an enama of the traditional type with a solution prepared by the staff. Ice water enema is one type given.

- For young studenst living at home and not in a boarding section, the parents will typically give the enemas in the morning after having been instructed.

- After certain training classes selected students is taken into a therapy room and given massage. The massage is usually given in naked condition. Before the massage, the student is given something to drink to restore electrolytes after the training, but the drink also contain some relaxing meditation.

The student may also be given intravanous medication from some point in the tehrapy sesion.

Gradually the student get dormant during the massage. Then a colonic type of enema is often given to flush out all content of hisher colon.

After the enema special treatments is often given in the perineal region to make the structures in this region more flexible. One method used is to insert some type of balloon through the anus that is then pumped up. The same treatment may be given in the vagina of girls.

As far as I have understand this treatment is both given in the rectal opening and further up in the anus and colon. The purpose for the more intrusive treatment seems to be to make a better passage for stool so that the student more easily empty the colon during toilet visits.

During the dormant and relaxed state of the student, the therapist will also perform extreme stretchings of the legs and hip joints.

Often they insert a catheter in the urethra of the student to hold the bladder empty during the therapy.

Sometimes they they inspect the bladder, the vagina or the colon endoscopically, or with speculums, during these sessions. One purpose is to secure that the hard training sesions do not hurt the pelvic structures.

But students are also used as training objects for medical students and doctors under specialization, and it seems like the ballet schools get economical compensation for renting out the students for this purpose.

After the therapy, the student will usually be placed on a coach to relax and wake up, still with the catheter in place. Since the student has been given sedative medication before the therapy, heshe will often not be aware of everything done, and will often feel pussled when waking up with the catheter.

Traditional enemas is also often given before special events, like rehearsals.

Knut Holt

For information and smart products for improvement and maintainment of health and fitness and for increase of sexual satisfation and abilities, please see:


Things You Should Know about Your Child's Pediatrician

The common assumption about pediatric professionals are that their foremost objective is the wellfare of you child and to help the parents caring for the wellbeing of the child best possible. This assumptions has however substantial modifications.

First of all the pediatrician will work according to a definition of childrens wellfare opposed upon them by the authorities of the community or by the medical profession. This definition will always be more or less biased by the greed for commercial proffit and by the greed for power and controle upon the child and the parents, and thus the professional wellfare definition will tend to deviate substantially from what is understood as children's wellfare by the parents.

This basis will influence the way the pediatrician examines your child and what decision or suggestion she will make regarding actions upon the child in several ways:

The pediatrician does not only examine your child, but in a way also you, the parent, and your interactions with the child. She will then compare what she sees and hears with a very strict normality scheme, and if she finds even the slightest deviation, she will think about neglect or abuse from the parents upon the child, or about a parent not competent to rise a child, at least not without extra cervices from the community. Her suspicion will be awakened by too little or too much verbal communication between the child and parent, by too little or too much intimacy between the child and parent, by your child being too little or too bashful upon bodily examinations, by a too great degree of scheptisism towards the doctor or her assistants from the child or parents, and by things the child may say to the parent or the pediatrician.

The pediatrician will during the examination constantly assess the status of the child's mental development and compare what she finds with her strict normality scheme. She will expect the child to know, understand, have an interest for and feel certain things deemed appropriate for the age and social class of the child, but not to know, understand, have interests or feelings beyond this. The examination typically has sesions where she talks with the parent and the child where these things are assessed, but this assessment will continue throughout the whole examination.

Likewise she will look for deviations from a strict normality scheme regarding physical development such as length, weight, posture, muscular status and genital development. For some time the pediatric society has regarded fat children as the normal standard, and children that have a healthy weight to be anorectic or showing a symptom of abuse or neglect. But if your child is only slightly fatter than expected, also that will also provoke suspicion.

By these assessments not only deviations that give functional problems will be regarded with suspicion. Also positive deviations that make your child more knowledge-rich, more thoughtful, more able, stronger or more handsome than the average will be looked upon with suspicion. A child or teen that expresses political opinions or politically tending opinions that goes beyond the political indoctrination received from the school will especially evoke suspicion, and likewise expressions of deviating religious opinions.

During the whole of the examination she will do handlings with your child that not only has the purpose of finding specific signs of disease or functional problems, but also to provoke verbal reactions, signs of emotions or physical responces she can use to assess metal and physical deviations form her normality scheme.

During the orthopedic examinations and neurological examinations, the child will be nearly or completely naked. The handlings of the whole body during these parts are rather intimate and especially suited to evoke reactions. Also the pediatricion tend to do these examinations in a way that will provoke reactions of all kind with the clear purpose of watching the reactions to find deviation in the child or in the relationship within hisher family.

The genital and rectal examination will also typically not only have the purpose of finding signs of disease in that region, but also to find signs of development deviations of mental art, signs of abuse , signs of impropriate bahavior or signs of deviating family relationship.

The pediatric profession in many societies is on constant allert to find symptoms of sexual abuse, psychological abuse, neglect of needs or deviations in family dynamics, partly opposed by the political authorities of the society. They also tend to use a rediculously extended definition of sexual abuse or other type of abuse or neglect. Your pediatrician will likely interprete nearly all reactions from your child that deviate from the strict normality scheme as symptoms of abuse.

Every pediatrician have an extensive cooperation with subspecialists within special organ systems of children or within psychology, psychiatry, social work or pedagogy. To a certain extent this is how it should be. But your pediatrician is also likely to work as a kind of sales person for these subspecialists and get provision for every child she refere to them. In this way she can generate a conciderably higher proffit from your child than from the work she alone does. This commercial relationships are likely to bias her diagnosis and her decisions or advices regarding your child.

The exaggeratedly strict normality schemes that your pediatrician is likely to base her work upon, also has such a commercial objective. The stricter you define normality, and the wider you define the abnormal, the more reason will there be to refere a child to services that the medical community can proffit from. Whether such a commercial relationships will bias her decisions, will of course vary according to the moral standard of your pediatricion and according to which extent such relationships are legal in your society, but it is absolutely a factor you should be aware of.

By Knut Holt

To find more information and presentation of smart products for fitnes, health improvement and improvement of sexual satisfaction, please see his web-site:


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