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Subject: Count me in

Olly Torri
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Date Posted: 09:36:23 11/08/01 Thu
In reply to: ROBSY 's message, "any beaver the other night" on 01:28:54 11/08/01 Thu

>Evening gentlemen, Dax mate ill teach you a thing or two about pulling stunners when i come down on the 24th, aqctually ill see how shes fixed and i may actyually try and bring her down. She may feel a bit intimidated with it all being blokes but ill see what i can do. Yeasterdays footy was a bit of a walk over 6-0 against york with two goals to me name. Hows the fiity going with you robs who you actually playing for now? and how the volleyball going dax, saw the durham uni team (ladies) playing the other night, couple of hottie there. Got myself a job interview in dunstable for a financial and sposrts spread betting company on the 16 so i may have myself a proper job sorted by the time i see ya all next. had the offer to go on the uni's tour of south africa this christmas but ive decided to give it a miss as i cant really afford it with being a student and all. Any way ive gotta sort out my route to dunstable for next week.
Keep on track of the ladies lads and dont do anything i wouldnt do and rememberits cold so wrap up warm!!!!
Cheers Olly

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Good news boyo!Si Wills10:18:52 11/08/01 Thu

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