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Date Posted: 16:28:12 07/17/03 Thu
Author: Katie
Subject: You are my forever and always (new fanfic)

Alec and Vicki are a happily married couple with their twins Brett Christopher Su and Bridget Erika Su Yupen. They turned down the offer by Qiong Yao when Vicki found out that she was pregnant. Autie Yao understood completely because Vicki needed rest and could not put too much strain on her body. Both of them promised to look out for the newest hzgg vcd when it's out. They are finally settled in without having the reporters jump all over them to get hott rumors. Life is so much easier without all of the attention that they draw. They have each other and feels ready to settle down like a normal couple should. The reporters still pound them occassionally, but not as much anymore. They hope that the new hzgg will be a success because both of them are happy for Auntie Yao. She made fame for them both and they appreciate her. Auntie Yao gave them the confidence that they both knew was important in the business of filming. Yup today is the day that Alec and Vicki relax and watch the new tv drama hzgg III starting their close friends Leo Ku, Zhou Jie, and Rebecca.
Alec: So you ready babe?
Vicki: Just put it in the DVD player and lets sit back and enjoy.
Alec put the first five in and they watched it with strong emotions. They were shocked and surprised when this Zhi Hua girl appeared in Yong Qi's life. How could Yong Qi cheat on Xiao Yan Zi? AH the most scary thing came on when the two of them became married under the tai ho's order. Boy things have sure changed!

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