- [Extra Quality] KeywordConnectify Hotspot PRO V3.7.1.25486 Cracked-Raj.NewEra -- wallpan, 19:24:43 03/29/14 Sat
 - Proposition Indcente Dvdrip -- wallpan, 19:23:32 03/29/14 Sat
 - Argentine Tango -- zacksha, 04:48:49 03/20/14 Thu
 - The Priesthood Of Christ And His Ministers -- zacksha, 04:47:19 03/20/14 Thu
 - Click on.....BARB'S BACK PORCH... to take you to the current board....Thanks. (NT) -- Barb, 17:55:12 12/22/02 Sun
 - WHY ISN'T THIS BOARD WORKING? I'M TESTIN (NT) -- PIXIE, 11:47:58 12/15/02 Sun
 - Oh my goodness your board is toast for sure I'm so sorry Barb..guess you won't ever try and do a nice thing for the Momma again .... well guess I'll go take a look at what cha did over at my place...again I'm so sorry this has happen to you.. (NT) -- just know I love ya...Patti, 10:12:55 12/15/02 Sun
 - Have a great weekend.....Everybody.... (NT) -- Barb, 09:46:38 12/14/02 Sat
 - Very pretty, Barb! the font on your links is really neat..did you have to download a special one? Inquiring minds want to know how you did that! Looks great! (NT) -- Lauda, 07:58:13 12/13/02 Fri
 - At approximately 3:45 this morning, I started hearing the loud sounds of some kind of vehicle in the street. Since it seemed to be going back and forth, and then lingering, I thought it might be a street cleaner. Well, at 4:15, I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and looked out the window, and they were right in front of our house. They seemed to be placing (or replacing) a street sign in our yard. (continued inside) -- Mittens, 05:57:30 12/13/02 Fri
 - Barb, I love your decor over here. It's very very attractive. The red text is kind of dark for ME, but I have my text set on LARGEST so I can see better. My eyes are getting so bad. I have to see someone about getting sronger reading glasses. I feel kind of blind. (NT) -- PIXIE, 18:03:08 12/12/02 Thu
 - I'm still playing with the colors here so if you have trouble proofing your message, let me know... (NT) -- Barb, 16:58:10 12/12/02 Thu
 - Morning, Barb! How's everything? It's almost Friday! YIPPEEE! Nodle left for work early this morning..we have a possiblilty of some snow overnight tonight and he's so paranoid about missing his flight that he's staying overnight in St. Louis, close to the airport. So he's gone until Monday night. The kids and I are going to go shopping tonight and eat out somewhere. Craft show this weekend..the weekend is looking good! LOL (NT) -- Lauda, 08:12:41 12/12/02 Thu
 - Hey, Mittens....You froze up way up there??...... (NT) -- Barb, 20:33:53 12/11/02 Wed
 - HI THERE BARB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (NT) -- Sam, 09:40:21 12/11/02 Wed
 - Yep, your little weathergirl's tree is the same as mine. Only she doesn't look like she's dressed warmly enough! Better put a coat on that girl, Barb! LOL (NT) -- Lauyda, 07:39:45 12/10/02 Tue
 - Morning, Barb! Hope you're not getting ice there..if you are, be careful! It's sunny and going to be in the 40's today..probably all week.
Did I tell you that Nodle won a trip to Pebble Beach? He's leaving Thursday night and won't be back until Monday night. Free golf all weekend..a dream get-a-way for him. Come inside and I'll tell you what I got him for Christmas.. -- Lauda, 09:02:35 12/09/02 Mon
 - We have a cold rain coming down now....I sure hope it doesn't turn to ice on the streets...Sure feels like it. I had to use my umbrella to go get clothes out of the dryer....Still almost froze my rear end... (NT) -- Barb, 19:43:38 12/08/02 Sun
 - Hi Barb......are you trimming your tree yet? I'm not going to Kelly's birthday party today because my breathing is so bad and I can't get my foot into my boot because of swelling. So much for being a good grandma. Adam never goes anywhere without me, so he's staying home, too. I called Chris and she said not to worry about it....but I do. (NT) -- PIXIE, 11:21:50 12/08/02 Sun
 - Good Morning to you....Hope you all have a great weekend....I'm gonna try to get the tree up sometime today and put up some Christmas decorations out of these kazillion boxes of stuff I hauled in last weekend...lol....It's supposed to be in the 60's today then cold front moving back in tomorrow..I still need to find a little heater for this computer room....Brrrrr.. (NT) -- Barb, 07:44:18 12/07/02 Sat
 - Hey, Barb. Yeah, I had to take that page off again. Here's a URL: http://www.st-charles.net/jpm/music.htm (NT) -- John, 08:30:28 12/06/02 Fri
 - Good morning, Barb! Nodle loved that dump cake, too. Thanks again for posting the recipe.
We're letting Maggie drive to school for the first time today...it's only about a mile and a straight shot. I'm still very nervous..but I know she'll do fine. She has to take her cell phone and call me when she gets to school.... Nothing new going on here except TGIF!! (NT) -- Lauda, 06:45:53 12/06/02 Fri
 - Have you been watching "Taken" on Sci Fi? I've been taping it, but we haven't watched any of it yet (so don't give anything away if you've been watching). I just checked the website, and as I suspected, they'll be airing all five parts in a row this weekend. (NT) -- Mittens, 19:30:44 12/05/02 Thu
 - Mittens, Refresh my feeble memory....What were those people supposed to do that didn't come and do it ?? That's aggravating, waiting on someone who never shows. (NT) -- Barb, 17:49:13 12/05/02 Thu
 - I've got a dump cake in the oven right now..can you smell it? Sure smells good. I'll let you know how it turns out. (NT) -- Lauda, 10:02:33 12/05/02 Thu
 - Hi Barb! Did your rain finally stop? We're clear today..just cold. Should all be melted by tomorrow..I think tomorrow's high is 40. I'm trying to download some Christmas songs from the internet..our new computer has a cd burner on it and I want to make a collection of my favorites. Don't have a clue how to do it, but I guess I can read the instructions! LOL
Hope you're having a good day! (NT) -- Lauda, 09:34:37 12/05/02 Thu
 - Hey, John...Are you out there anywhere??......I've tried to access your site two or three times with no luck....Have you shut down again or do I just have the wrong site number?....Hope you are doing okay way over there...and staying warm. (NT) -- Barb, 21:59:36 12/04/02 Wed
 - So what's the best way to warm up the house? I say it's baking!!! I don't know whether I'll get to it today, but I'll try. Either a cake of brownies would smell nice, and of course be tasty. (NT) -- Mittens, 14:35:48 12/04/02 Wed
 - Guess what?? We have 2 inches of snow! We were only supposed to get some flurries, so this was a nice surprise..especially since I don't have to go out. I think I'll try to sweep off the sidewalks at naptime, and if my cable stays up, change my board. (NT) -- Lauda, 11:27:26 12/04/02 Wed
 - Hey Barb... Do you have the midi for "Let it snow"? If you do, could you send me the addy so I can put it on at the Sandox? I think it would fit with the theme really well.... If you don't have it , that's fine.... (NT) -- Sam - Thanks!!!!, 07:47:08 12/04/02 Wed
 - Hey Barb... it finally started snowing at the Sandbox...LOL.. Looks like we're in for a major winter storm... we've heard anywhere from 2-6 inches of snow... and possibly sleet and freezing rain... but that may go south of us. They said it was all in Texas right now.. so just send it on up here, will ya? :) (NT) -- Snowy Sam, 01:15:18 12/04/02 Wed
 - Good morning, You'all.....If you come around today, be sure to bring your umbrella.....Supposed to rain buckets....Temps will be dropping, too, but not enough to make it snow...doggone it.... (NT) -- Barb, 07:15:45 12/03/02 Tue
 - HI, SANDRA...... (NT) -- Barb, 17:50:18 12/02/02 Mon
 - WOO HOO!!! It's snowing, much the same as it did a few days ago--sometimes lightly, sometimes pretty heavily. (NT) -- Mittens, 15:04:58 12/02/02 Mon
 - Sam, I didn't get any email from you with your password....Gonna have to try sending it again, please... (NT) -- Barb, 11:17:47 12/02/02 Mon
 - We're supposed to get more snow today, but so far I don't see any signs of it. Those guys rarely know what they're talking about anyway, but there's always a chance. (NT) -- Mittens, 07:44:18 12/02/02 Mon
 - Oooh, love your board, Barb! I can't wait to get mine changed to a winter scene. I think I'll just stay here a bit and try to catch some of these snowflakes on my tongue....LOL (NT) -- Lauda, 07:40:59 12/02/02 Mon
 - Hi Barb... Hate to bug ya.... but when you get time could you hop over to the Sandbox and see what I've done wrong over there? The page only loads so far.. then it says it's done. I was experimenting with some javascripts and I took all that out.. and I don't know what I've done... my messages won't show up.... Can you see if you can figure out what I've done? (NT) -- Sam - Thanks.... I'd appreciate it!!!, 02:25:57 12/02/02 Mon
 - Hey Barb!!!! LOVE THE SNOW!!!! I'm ready for a snow day, LOL!!!! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!!! (NT) -- Sam, 17:02:12 12/01/02 Sun
 - Hope it's not to cold over here for ya.....haha....I have to take my snow where I can get it...Hope all of you are having a nice pleasant weekend.. (NT) -- Barb, 10:20:19 12/01/02 Sun
 - Hi, Barb! I'm just popping into say hi! I hope you great a great Thanksgiving. We stayed home, as always. We like to have a nice, quiet day. Plus we get to keep all the leftovers. (NT) -- Mittens, 13:10:15 11/30/02 Sat
 - I'm feeling right at home with the snow, Barb....haha ...Actually, most of our snow is gone because it got up into the 40's yesterday. (NT) -- PIXIE, 11:02:33 11/30/02 Sat
 - Good Morning, Everybody......Hope you had a happy turkey day and that you also have a pleasant weekend.... (NT) -- Barb, 07:46:35 11/30/02 Sat
 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING, BARB! Hope you have a great day there in Texas! (NT) -- Lauda....Tom is almost thawed..I think we're gonna make it! LOL, 07:58:15 11/28/02 Thu
 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING, BARB. Wish I could be there with you to share the goodies you are making. (NT) -- PIXIE, 22:10:04 11/27/02 Wed
 - Happy Turkey Day Eve to ya......I wish it was 5:00 already and I was heading back home...ha....It's COLD here this morning....but I don't mind...Lauda, hope your bird gets thawed out...LOL (NT) -- Barb, 07:13:42 11/27/02 Wed
 - Our little weather girls are so cute in their coats, aren't they? I see that you aren't much warmer than we are. (NT) -- Lauda, 12:06:57 11/25/02 Mon
 - Here we are again..another Monday! YUCK! But it's a short week here, so I will keep a stiff upper lip. LOL Hope you are having a good day, Barb! (NT) -- Lauda, 08:45:34 11/25/02 Mon