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Subject: *Laughs loudly....* "I dare you to ban me!"

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Date Posted: 06:00:41 12/18/01 Tue
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In reply to: !!!MMMMMMMMIIINNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDD 's message, "CHHHIIIIIIIIIPMMIINDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" on 19:30:48 12/17/01 Mon

(You don't know what I know! Find out who I play and you WON'T want to ban me! (don't forget it's IP NOT ID!) or even if you do ban me....I'll be happy!)

“How strange” the human thinks.... I can understand them (because I can read!) but they can't under stand me! "Kosses and whoever else, solve this code to find the way out” I mentioned how to solve it last week.
9 14

20 8 5

13 21 4 4 25

23 1 20 5 18,

12 9 5 19


16 1 19 19 1 7 5

23 1 25

25 15 21

5 24 3 1 16 5


11 5 5 16

20 8 5 13

1 20

2 1 25

The human chuckles and pretends that nothing was ever said. “So masti, do tell me about yourself, you too mind! Shall we have a tea party, I want to hear all about you!” The human flicks his wand and a table appears set for a tea party. A nasty little teacake sits on the plastic plate and the human walks over. Since it has thumbs, the human quickly starts to pour the tea into the tiny glasses. “Sugar?” the human asks them sweetly. He glances over to the pit people, and with his fingers motions the numbers,

14 15 23!

(I just gave them the code so you had a chance to solve it, they already know it :-) *becuase I e-mailed them!*

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*It is not amused...*Gastornus06:53:19 12/18/01 Tue

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