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Date Posted: 17:49:36 11/06/01 Tue
Author: Eluned
Subject: Re: The Internet
In reply to: Barbara 's message, "The Internet" on 06:16:13 11/06/01 Tue

The Internet is a snare and a delusion - but a very seductive one! I worry that what is happening is that a technological, knowledge rich, elite is being created partly as a result of inequitable access to resources - i.e. a computer and ISP etc. - and partly as a result of gender, age and geographical/income factors. While a significant number of the world's population either do not have access, or do not feel confident about using the access they have, we are creating an elite. I think my 60s political background is showing here!
Just because a world of information is available does not mean that we should not develop and use our discrimination in assessing its accuracy and worth. The idea that the internet provides the opportunity for access to impartial information and a free exchange of views needs to be approached with some caution. The vast majority of the people on this planet do NOT have access, or are actively denied access by their governments, to the net and all it has to offer. There is already a serious imbalance between the 'rich' and 'poor' (North/South, developed/developing etc.) worlds. This lack of access makes that imbalance even more damaging to all of us.
Having said all of that, and speaking as a very affluent and privileged citizen of the world, the net has changed the way I live and work. For a start it's giving me a wonderful opportunity to rant (and I don't get one of those very often). It enables me to keep in touch with friends and family all over the world; download information for my MPhil, shop for a wide variety of goods, find out incredibly obscure pieces of information etc. BUT I also want face-to-face contact - I don't want all of our courses to become part of the e-learning revolution because I believe that part of the process of learning is about human interaction and 'bouncing' ideas off each other. I would hate to live in a world where human communication came second to technology.
And don't even start me on democracy and politics!!!
By the way, there is a very interesting web-site run by the main women's group in Afghanistan - they are, not surprisingly, in opposition to the Taliban. (I'll post the web address if anyone's interested) But there's an excellent example of what I've been talking about - if it's genuine, then it gives women in a very closed society access to the outside world. But how can we be sure its genuine!
Apologies at the length of this.

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