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Subject: Blessed by God to be a part of UCMI

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Date Posted: 04:04:45 02/23/05 Wed

Hello, I am Rev. James L. Taylor. I was ordained by UCMI in January 2003. My call of God was clear. I had ministry work that had to be done. I was burdened for those who are incarcerated in jails as well as those who have no knowledge of the saving Power of Jesus Christ. My ordination with UCMI has opened many doors for me. No longer did I have to have friends slip me into the prison to witness for the Lord.
I also have an internet ministry, Burning Light Ministries which has also continued to grow. God has used me to do a lot of interim pastoring recently after our Pastor felt led to leave to serve in another area. I praise God for every opportunity to serve Him.
I have taken both the associate degree and BA degree courses through UCMI. They helped immensly to gain the knowledge I need to do greater service for the King of Kings. I reccommend them to everyone.
We are blessed to have Bro. Steve as our leader, a man who has given his whole heart and life to the service of others, and who seeks God face consistantly that he may lead us. I also appreciate the fellowship meeting every Thursday for those of us associated with UCMI. What a great time of fellowship and prayer that has given me strength in difficult times. God is good.

Rev. James Taylor
Burning Light Ministries
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ourchurch.com/member/b/BurningLight/">http://www.ourchurch.com/member/b/BurningLight/</a>
Boyce, LA

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