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Subject: God moves through UCMI

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Date Posted: 17:52:28 12/07/01 Fri

Some of you know me. I am Hoyt Noel Jr. When I was called to preach the gospel, I was a member of a very legalistic Baptist church. I went through all the hoops to be licensed, but a few diehards kept me from getting my license. It was not because I did not have the annointing to preach, it was all about power and politics. Not to be discouraged, I sought out Brother Steve, and UCMI. I was ordained September 13, 2000. The story does not end there. Steve encouraged me, and I met some others at UCMI that encouraged me as well. I sought training, and I recieved an education at UCMI that has helped me immensely to direct the talents the Lord has given me to be more productive in my ministry. June 10, 2001, I was called to preach at a little church in Roanoke, Ala. and am now the senior pastor there. The Lord is not finished with me yet. Every day, I feel closer to God, every day, I feel that my ministry is moving mountains by the Holy spirit, and every day, I thank God I found UCMI.
In the love of Jesus,
Rev. Hoyt Noel Jr.
New Hope Congregational Christian Church, UCC
Roanoke, Alabama

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