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Subject: BlueCollarPastor

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Date Posted: 02:50:25 01/01/09 Thu

Dear UCMI Family,
I have been Ordained by God through UCMI since 2002, and since have officiated at several weddings, funerals, and preached the Word of God on too many occasions to count; but for the last five years I have been serving a volunteer visitation ministry to one of the prisons here in Maryland. God spoke to my heart through Matthew 25:34-40, "When you did it for the least of these My brothers, you did it for Me." When I go inside that place that is intended to punish, I see the face of God in those men and together we share the Holy Spirit of God!

The guys see in me, another regular guy, a blue collar mechanic and welder, who God uses as a pastor to them, what a Mighty God we serve, that God could take me, a former nasty, vulgar, swearing construction man, and grace me to bring the Good News to my brothers inside!

Rev. Joe Pula
The BlueCollarPastor
Parkville, Maryland

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