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Date Posted: 23:47:12 07/18/18 Wed
Author: Patty
Paint Drip Flowerpot (Pic) and Update
Hi Everyone!!!
Update on me...
I've had cataract eye surgery on both eyes in May. Our BIG garage sale at our parents' house is OVER!!! WOW, was it HOT!!! Trying to sell our parents' house now, too! We have packed up and moved our daughter's office to a new location and have re-painted the walls!!! Busy with lots of stuff going on and haven't gotten to go camping yet this year!
BUT, I did manage to do a quick craft last week! This is an artificial plant and pot that my Mom had. I suggested that our daughter might want it for her new office lobby. It was just a plain, unpainted claypot. I asked our daughter if I could "dress it up". She agreed! First, I painted the pot and drainer bowl white, then, glued the drainer bowl upside down to the pot bottom. That gave it a little height. Since her office walls are a light blue, I dripped various shades of blue paint to run down the sides. I had to direct some of the drips in the right direction. Yeah, I was a mess, but it looks good. After it dried, I sprayed a clear gloss on it. I then, mixed up some plaster of Paris to secure the plant to the pot. After that dried, I added some of the statice (sp?) back on top of the plaster to fill the pot. Arranged the plant and then, glued bright blue felt on the bottom to keep it from scratching the tabletop she has it on.
Oh, yeah, last Friday, the 13th, I had to go to the eye Dr because my right eyelid had gotten swollen, red and hurt, but didn't affect my vision. I think I might have gotten some of the sealer spray in my eye and it was irritated. He gave me an Rx for ointment to put in it, which I only did that day because it was REALLY swollen and red on Sat. I think I am allergic to something in it. Much better now, though.
So, what's new with you?

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Re: Paint Drip Flowerpot (Pic) and Update -- Blazer, 08:02:09 07/19/18 Thu [1]
Thought of you this a.m. then saw your post! Love Your Pot project ! Good luck to your daughter on her move!
I am glad your eye surgury is behind you, nice to have better sight I am sure.
We have had hot days here and now to have severe storms tomorrow.
Busy time. The summer is going fast! Hoping you will get some camping in this fall!
Hugs Blazer
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Re: Paint Drip Flowerpot (Pic) and Update -- Patty, 14:11:38 07/19/18 Thu [1]
Thank you! I'm sorry, Darlene, that I don't get much time to actually write to you.
We've sold both of Mom's refrigerators now and I've spent about 3 days total cleaning them out and up. Just finished the last one today. MAN, was it filthy!!! I worked 4 hours on it Tues and about 2 hours today, but I'm finally done with it. The lady is ready to get it for her new house this weekend, so I had to get it done.
I forgot that I did a couple more crafts for Heidi's office last week, too. I re-did a bulletin board and clock that my Mom had for the lobby. She also wanted a little curtain made, too, to cover up her new office microwave, so the kids won't just be pushing the buttons on it for no reason. Matted and framed 3 little posters that she wanted put in her lobby, too.
We've worked for a month on getting her packed up, moved, painted and then, re-set up in her new office. We just have a few more things to do, then, the state licensing will have to come inspect and approve her office. IT HAD BETTER PASS INSPECTION!!! LOL!!!
I'm so ready to go camping, but not sure that we will even get to have our "traditional crafting campout" with our great-niece, Myleigh, before school starts. We may have to do that when she's off for fall break! UGH!!! The summer has just flown by!!! The summers were so long when I was a kid!!! What happened???!!!
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Re: Paint Drip Flowerpot (Pic) and Update -- Linda Ohio now GA, 09:02:10 07/20/18 Fri [1]
Wow Patty, I love what you did with that vase. You sure have been busy and got a LOT accomplished. I think you need to take a break and just rest and relax now. I don't know where you got all of that energy, but I'd sure like to have some of it.
I'm glad your cataract surgeries were successful. Did you have to wear an eye patch and be a member of the pirate's club like most of us who had the surgeries done?
Pop in again as soon as you can.
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Re: Paint Drip Flowerpot (Pic) and Update -- Patty, 23:03:41 07/20/18 Fri [1]
Thank you, Linda! Yes, we've gotten a lot accomplished, but next week we will be packing up the leftover garage sale stuff, UNLESS it's too hot. After the garage sale, I suggested that we just move the tables in the garages and deal with it another day. We were all very tired from getting it all ready to sell, so that's what we did.
Today it was 105* with the heat index of 114*!!! The stuff left from the garage sale is in the tin garages, so there's no way that we'd survive 114* heat index AND in the tin garage!!! It may have to be put off again, if it's too hot.
Just turned 60 yrs old between my eye surgeries and my energy sure is slowing down. Some days I just crash!
I'd like to just go camping for about a week, but Heidi is still having issues from her surgery in Feb (it's not healing completely), so she has to have help with the dressing of it. She can't do it at all. So, hopefully it will be cooler when we CAN go camping.
Yes, it is soooooo nice to be able to see again!!! No glasses or contacts!!! Yippeee!!! Wasn't planning eye surgery until I went for my eye checkup to get my contact Rx renewed in mid-April. Dr suggested that I might want to have cataract surgery. He thought I'd not need glasses or contacts afterward. Music to my ears (or eyes!)!!! Eye surgeries got put on the fast track and by the end of May, both had been done! No eye patch for me, even on the way home from the surgery, EXCEPT at night when I slept. It was a clear cover, so I could still see through it.
I will pop in when I can. I'd like to see a little more "life" on this board, but not sure if there are very many of us still here.
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Re: Paint Drip Flowerpot (Pic) and Update -- canadianviolet, 20:05:57 08/19/18 Sun [1]
Love what you did to the pot. You sure have been busy ! Hope you get your camping trip in before school starts .
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