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Hello -- Kathy109, 07:18:36 10/31/13 Thu (c-71-235-235-118.hsd1.ma.comcast.net/

Hi DeeDee! Nice to see you online chatting again. I wish we could start this up again. Maybe everyone meet for like half an hour every day at a certain time! Like the old days!

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Hello. Again -- DeeDee, 19:20:34 07/29/13 Mon (d75-159-83-215.abhsia.telus.net/

Hi Gals,
I finally found you again after all these years, was just snooping around and came across this site.
Can't wait to read the posts..
Hope you are all well!
DeeDee from Canada

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Cold!! -- Kathy in MA, 13:02:18 11/22/08 Sat (c-76-118-111-245.hsd1.ma.comcast.net/

Sure rub it in! It is only about 28 here with a wind chill factor that makes it feel like it's in the teens! This is January weather not November!!

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Hello! -- Annie, 13:08:17 10/18/08 Sat (ip70-190-110-138.ph.ph.cox.net/

Hey! It's ONLY getting to the upper 90's today! And it's 5 months since I posted the last temp check.

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Muffins -- Judy, 02:35:06 10/10/08 Fri (pool-71-115-110-14.sangtx.dsl-w.verizon.net/

Hi ladies:) My sister-in-law and I made the same bran muffin recipe, but my muffins crumbled. Do you know what my problem is?? Seems like I've heard overbeating, but I thought I followed the directions.

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Recipe -- Kathy/MA, 18:02:10 07/05/08 Sat (207-172-216-155.s917.apx1.sbo.ma.dialup.rcn.com/

This is so good!


6 slices bacon
1 cup onions, sliced
1 green pepper, cut in strips
1 cup carrot, shaved or sliced
1 (#1) can tomatoes, do not drain
7 oz. clam juice (fresh or bottled)
1 tbsp. chopped parsley
2 stalks celery, diced
1 1/2 lb. sea scallops, cut very large ones in half
2 tsp. salt
1 lg. bay leaf
1 1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp. garlic salt or powder
3/4 tsp. thyme leaves, crushed
2 lg. or 3 med. potatoes, diced
1 1/2 c. water

Crisp bacon and remove from pan. Add onion, pepper, carrot, and celery to drippings; cook over low heat, stirring for 10 minutes. Add parsley, tomatoes, clam juice, salt, bay leaf, Worcestershire sauce, thyme, and 1 1/2 cups of water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer 35 minutes. Add potatoes and simmer 20 minutes or until potatoes are done to fork test. Add scallops and crumble bacon on top; simmer uncovered for 15 minutes. Serve piping hot. Can be frozen. Improves with standing. Serve with tossed green salad and crusty bread. Serves 6-8. (cook scallops lessmaybe 10 minutes)

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Summer -- Annie, 06:22:20 05/19/08 Mon (ip68-98-49-161.ph.ph.cox.net/

Happy summer all! It's supposed to be 110 here today! YIKES! Then, get this...drop down to the low 80's by Thursday...hmmmmmmmm.......I'll believe that when I see it! LOL!

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Pasta Alexander -- pep, 09:39:28 04/09/08 Wed (136-56.69-92-cpe.cableone.net/

Pasta Alexander
Blu Bistro
Published: March 20 2008 - 3:19 am
Pasta Alexander
(serves two)

1T Butter
1T Olive Oil
10 Jumbo Sea Scallops
10 Jumbo Gulf Shrimp, peeled and deveined, tail-on
1 cup Button Mushrooms, sliced
1/4 cup Green Onions, diced, reserve a pinch for garnish
4oz White Wine
6oz Heavy Cream
12oz Cooked Linguine
Kosher salt and Black pepper to taste

Heat a large saut pan to medium, add olive oil and butter followed by mushrooms, green onions, scallops, shrimp and salt and pepper to taste. Stir often. When the shrimp begin to have a cooked look to them but are not completely opaque add the white wine. Let this reduce by three quarters. When the white wine is reduced add the heavy cream and reduce by half. Add the pasta. Turn off heat. Toss the pasta in the sauce to coat and warm through. Divide the pasta, seafood and sauce into two bowls and garnish with green onions.

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Mahi Fish Tacos and Pineapple Pico de Gallo -- pep, 09:38:18 04/09/08 Wed (136-56.69-92-cpe.cableone.net/

Mahi Fish Tacos and Pineapple Pico de Gallo
Chef Chris Shannon, The Giggling Grouper

1-6 oz. Mahi Fillet, grilled
1 Garlic Herb Wrap
1/4 Cup Shredded Lettuce
1 Slice Red Onion
2 Slices Pepperjack Cheese
1/4 Diced Roma Tomato
Cilantro Mayonnaise (recipe follows)
Pineapple Pico de Gallo (recipe follows)

Grill Mahi until well done, heat wrap until just heated, being careful not to make it flaky. Layout pepperjack cheese on the wrap, top with lettuce, tomatoes, red onion and cilantro mayonnaise. Roll as you would a burrito. Slice in 1/2 on a diagonal. Serve with Pineapple Pico de Gallo.

Cilantro Mayonnaise:
1 cup mayonnaise
1 Tbsp. lime juice
1/8 cup chopped cilantro
1/4 cup sour cream
salt & pepper to taste

mix all ingredients together until well blended. salt and pepper to taste.

Pineapple Pico de Gallo:
1/2 cup small diced fresh pineapple
1/4 cup small diced seeded tomato
1/4 cup small diced red onion
1 small jalapeno ribs and seeds removed, finely diced
1 lime, juice and zest
1/4 cup chopped cilantro

Put all ingredients in a small mixing bowl. Mix and refrigerate.
WKRG.com 2007 Media General Inc.

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Paneed Mahi Mahi -- pep, 09:35:41 04/09/08 Wed (136-56.69-92-cpe.cableone.net/

Paneed Mahi Mahi
Published: April 04 2008 - 11:58 am
Paneed Mahi Mahi
1 8 oz Mahi Mahi filet
2 oz olive oil
3 cups corn flour

Heat skillet and oil. Prepare fish by cutting into 8 oz filet removing blood line. Dredge fish in corn flour, shaking excess flour off. Place in hot oil. Cook on both sides for two minutes. Remove and place in oven at 400 degrees for four minutes.
WKRG.com 2007 Media General Inc.

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Recipe for Halibut -- Pep, 09:32:48 04/09/08 Wed (136-56.69-92-cpe.cableone.net/

They featured this on WKRG and it looks delicious even though it seems a bit time consuming..

Seared Halibut with Caramelized Cauliflower
Executive Sous Chef Anthony Caratozollo, Beau Rivage

Seared Halibut with Caramelized Cauliflower,
White Truffle Foam
Serves 2


2 each Halibut Filets
1 each Cauliflower Whole
1 cup Heavy Cream
2 T Unsalted Butter
4oz Wild Mushrooms Grilled
4oz Reduced Mushroom Water
1 t Truffle Oil
TT Salt & White Pepper
3T Olive Oil


For the Cauliflower Puree
1. Heat oven to 375 degrees
2. Toss cauliflower with oil and salt & pepper
3. Cook until tender, with a nice golden brown outer layer.
4. Place cauliflower, butter and cream in a food processer for 3 minutes.
5. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
6. Reserve

For the Halibut
1. Season halibut with salt and pepper.
2. Heat saut pan with oil over high heat.
3. Cook fish for 4 minutes on each side.
4. Reserve.

For the Truffle Foam
1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl.
2. Blend with a hand blender for 3 minutes.
3. Skim off foam and reserve.

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P.S. -- Annie, 05:44:49 03/26/08 Wed (ip68-98-49-161.ph.ph.cox.net/

I made the Ribollita and it is WONDERFUL!!! BUT, it makes enough to feed the entire country!! Pep even cut it in half and had LOTS of leftover soup!!! She used hot sausage instead of the bacon or pancetta...she said it was great!

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Wow! -- Annie, 05:40:22 03/26/08 Wed (ip68-98-49-161.ph.ph.cox.net/

Wow, L.O.L.!! You remembered my birthday! Thanks so much!! I had fun with Nadine in Las Vegas!

Pep...we LOVE those lasagna rolls better than the real stuff too! Not as heavy and the leftovers don't take up as much room in the frig! Had I known, I would have given credit where credit was due! ;-)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KATHY/SD!!!! Have a great day!

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Coffee Cake -- Kathy in MA, 18:16:32 03/17/08 Mon (207-172-216-115.s877.apx1.sbo.ma.dialup.rcn.com/

I made this yesterday and it was very good and not as difficult as it looks:


1 1/2 teaspoon(s) baking powder
1 teaspoon(s) baking soda
3/4 teaspoon(s) salt
3 cup(s) (plus 1 tablespoon) all-purpose flour
3/4 cup(s) chopped pecans
1/3 cup(s) packed brown sugar
1 1/4 teaspoon(s) ground cinnamon
1 1/2 cup(s) granulated sugar
3/4 cup(s) (1 1/2 sticks) butter, softened, substitute margarine
2 1/2 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
3 large eggs
1 container(s) (16 ounces) sour cream
1 cup(s) confectioners' sugar
4 teaspoon(s) milk

Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease 12-cup fluted baking pan; dust with flour.
On waxed paper, combine baking powder, baking soda, salt, and 3 cups flour. In small bowl, combine pecans, brown sugar, cinnamon, and remaining flour.
In large bowl, with mixer at medium speed, beat granulated sugar, butter, and 2 teaspoons vanilla until creamy. Beat in eggs, 1 at a time. Alternately beat in flour mixture and sour cream, beginning and ending with flour mixture. Beat just until blended, scraping bowl occasionally.
Evenly spread 2 cups batter in prepared pan; sprinkle with half of nut mixture. Top with 2 cups batter. (See tip below.) Sprinkle with remaining nut mixture, then spread with remaining batter.
Bake cake 55 to 60 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool cake in pan on wire rack 10 minutes. With small metal spatula, loosen cake from pan; invert onto rack to cool completely.
Prepare glaze: In small bowl, stir confectioners' sugar, milk, and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla until smooth. When cake is cool, transfer to cake plate. Use spoon to drizzle glaze decoratively over cake. Let glaze set.
Drop batter in 3 or 4 dollops over nut mixture; gently spread with spatula to evenly cover. Be careful not to lift nut mixture out of place.

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One Dish Turkey and Rice Bake -- pep, 11:10:30 03/14/08 Fri (136-56.69-92-cpe.cableone.net/

One Dish Turkey and Rice Bake

* 1 can (10-3/4 oz.) 98% fat free cream of mushroom soup
* 1 to 1-1/3 cups water
* 3/4 cup uncooked regular rice
* 1/4 tsp. paprika
* 1/4 tsp. black pepper
* 1 cooked turkey breast half, cut into pieces


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

2. In a 2-qt. shallow baking dish mix soup, water, rice, paprika and pepper. Place turkey over rice mixture. Sprinkle with additional paprika and black pepper.

3. Cover and bake 45 minutes or until turkey and rice are done. Serves 4.

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Grasshopper pie for St. Patrick's day -- pep, 11:07:45 03/14/08 Fri (136-56.69-92-cpe.cableone.net/

Microwave Grasshopper Pie

* 9 inch Crumb Pie Shell
* 1 pkg (10 oz) large marshmallows
* 1/2 cup milk
* 1 cup whipping cream, whipped
* 1/4 cup green crme de menthe
* 2 tablespoons white crme de cocoa
* Additional whipped cream
* Chocolate curls

Quick and easy microwave recipe!Quick and easy microwave recipe!

1. In 3-quart casserole place marshmallows and milk. Cover and microwave on high for 2 to 4 minutes, until mixture can be stirred smooth. Chill in refrigerator (about 30-40 minutes) or in pan of ice water, until thickened, stirring occasionally.

2. Fold in whipped cream, crme de menthe, and crme de cocoa.

3. Pour into crust and decorate with additional whipped cream and chocolate curls, if desired. Refrigerate several hours or overnight.

Makes 1 (9-in) pie

Serving note: This pie is soft and creamy when served from refrigerator. For firm pieces which hold sharp cut, serve frozen. Frozen pie releases easily from bottom of pie plate if set a few minutes on towel dampened with hot water.

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ST. Patrick's Day Potato Soup -- Pep, 11:03:10 03/14/08 Fri (136-56.69-92-cpe.cableone.net/

ST. Patrick's Day Potato Soup


6 large Idaho potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces
2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces
1 large onion, chopped
4 cups chicken broth or bouillon
2 teaspoons thyme
1- 16 oz. container sour cream
1 stick butter or margarine
1/2 cup flour
2 cups milk
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Place potatoes, onion, broth and thyme into a 5-quart pot. Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until potatoes are tender.

2. Melt butter in a medium size saucepan. Stir in flour with a whisk or wooden spoon to make a smooth paste.

3. Add milk, a little at a time, stirring to make the mixture smooth. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until thickened. Season generously with salt and pepper. Add to the potato mixture.

4. Stir in sour cream.

5. Heat thoroughly and serve.

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Comment on Lasagna Rolls -- Pep, 11:02:22 03/14/08 Fri (136-56.69-92-cpe.cableone.net/

I saw the Lasagna rolls - she stole my recipe. LOL
I have been making these for years. Once when I was making lasagna, I had 4 noodles left over and some of the filling and sauce so I thought "not enough for more lasagna, what can I do?" so I decided to make the lasagna rolls. Kirk likes them better than the regular lasagna.
Now Olive Garden is making them and now Giada.
Girls you have to try them - they are fabulous......

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~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE~~ -- LoL, 21:55:10 03/09/08 Sun (d154-5-133-164.bchsia.telus.net/

Hope you have a wonderful day Annie ...... full of lots of cake and presents !!

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Soup -- Annie, 12:24:00 03/07/08 Fri (ip68-98-116-14.ph.ph.cox.net/

Watched her make this and it looks excellent!!


1/2 pound dried white beans, such as Great Northern or cannellini
Kosher salt
1/4 cup good olive oil, plus extra for serving
1/4 pound large diced pancetta or smoked bacon
2 cups chopped yellow onions (2 onions)
1 cup chopped carrots (3 carrots)
1 cup chopped celery (3 stalks)
3 tablespoons minced garlic (6 cloves)
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 (28-ounce) can Italian plum tomatoes in puree, chopped
4 cups coarsely chopped or shredded savoy cabbage, optional
4 cups coarsely chopped kale
1/2 cup chopped fresh basil leaves
6 cups chicken stock, preferably homemade
4 cups sourdough bread cubes, crusts removed
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan, for serving

In a large bowl, cover the beans with cold water by 1-inch and cover with plastic wrap. Allow to soak overnight in the refrigerator.
Drain the beans and place them in a large pot with 8 cups of water, and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer uncovered for 45 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and continue to simmer for about 15 minutes, until the beans are tender. Set the beans aside to cool in their liquid.
Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large stockpot. Add the pancetta and onions and cook over medium-low heat for 7 to 10 minutes, until the onions are translucent. Add the carrots, celery, garlic, 1 tablespoon of salt, the pepper, and red pepper flakes. Cook over medium-low heat for 7 to 10 minutes, until the vegetables are tender. Add the tomatoes with their puree, the cabbage, if using, the kale, and basil and cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, for another 7 to 10 minutes.
Drain the beans, reserving their cooking liquid. In the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade, puree half of the beans with a little of their liquid. Add to the stockpot, along with the remaining whole beans. Pour the bean cooking liquid into a large measuring cup and add enough chicken stock to make 8 cups. Add to the soup and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
Add the bread to the soup and simmer for 10 more minutes. Taste for seasoning and serve hot in large bowls sprinkled with Parmesan and drizzled with olive oil. Serves 8.

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Duh -- Annie, 08:55:06 02/18/08 Mon (ip68-98-116-14.ph.ph.cox.net/

Well, I didn't mean to masquerade as Dee on that last post!! LOL! I guess everybody isn't in the habit of coming here anymore.

Happy President's Day!

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Yuma -- DeeDee, 07:01:05 02/05/08 Tue (ip68-98-116-14.ph.ph.cox.net/

Hey, Dee! Do you come to Yuma every winter now?

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Fat Tuesday -- Annie, 06:59:41 02/05/08 Tue (ip68-98-116-14.ph.ph.cox.net/

Happy Fat Tuesday gals! What's cookin' that's special for today? Pep?? What are you doing? Anybody?

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Biscotti -- Annie, 06:57:58 02/05/08 Tue (ip68-98-116-14.ph.ph.cox.net/

Kathy...I love Giada! She does make things look so easy and good!! Here's another one of hers...and it's delicious!!

Lasagna Rolls
Recipe courtesy Giada De Laurentiis

2 tablespoons unsalted butter
4 teaspoons all-purpose flour
1 1/4 cups whole milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
Pinch ground nutmeg

1 (15-ounce) container whole milk ricotta cheese
1 (10-ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed, squeezed dry
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan
3 ounces thinly sliced prosciutto, chopped
1 large egg, beaten to blend
3/4 teaspoon salt, plus more for salting water
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 to 2 tablespoons olive oil
12 uncooked lasagna noodles
2 cups marinara sauce
1 cup shredded mozzarella (about 4 ounces)

To make the sauce: Melt the butter in a heavy medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Add the flour and whisk for 3 minutes. Whisk in the milk. Increase the heat to medium-high. Whisk the sauce until it comes to a simmer and is thick and smooth, about 3 minutes. Whisk the salt, pepper, and nutmeg into the bechamel sauce.

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

Whisk the ricotta, spinach, 1 cup Parmesan, prosciutto, egg, salt, and pepper in a medium bowl to blend.

Add a tablespoon or 2 of oil to a large pot of boiling salted water. Boil the noodles until just tender but still firm to bite. Drain. Arrange the noodles in a single layer on a baking sheet to prevent them from sticking.

Butter a 13-by-9-by-2-inch glass baking dish. Pour the bechamel sauce over the bottom of the prepared dish. Lay out 4 lasagna noodles on a work surface, then spread about 3 tablespoons of ricotta mixture evenly over each noodle. Starting at 1 end, roll each noodle like a jelly roll. Lay the lasagna rolls seam side down, without touching, atop the bechamelsauce in the dish. Repeat with the remaining noodles and ricotta mixture. Spoon 1 cup of marinara sauce over the lasagna rolls. Sprinkle the mozzarella and remaining 2 tablespoons of Parmesan over the lasagna rolls. Cover tightly with foil. Bake until heated through and the sauce bubbles, about 20 minutes. Uncover and bake until the cheese on top becomes golden, about 15 minutes longer. Let stand for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the remaining marinara sauce in a heavy small saucepan over medium heat until hot, and serve alongside.

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just a hello -- DeeDee (happy, DeeDee), 06:36:41 02/05/08 Tue (75-167-7-47.phnx.qwest.net/

Hi Gals,
I am in my little home in Yuma for the next 2 months.
Love it here,,not much cooking on my agenda!!!
It is nice to come here and see all the great recipes though..

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Cranberry/Banana Loaf -- LoL !, 22:51:50 01/31/08 Thu (d66-183-30-123.bchsia.telus.net/

OMG ...... you right Pepper ..... just like the former Kitchen Chat ... lol ! ...... nice to see all these *old* faces popping up ! I think it must be at least 15 years ago when we all were chatting up a storm .... how times flies when you're hav'n fun eh !

Here's a loaf I made for Christmas morning breakfast ... it was great served with fresh grapefruit and Christmas Morning WifeSaver.....not too sweet .....


2 eggs
1/2 cup soft margarine
3/4 cup sugar (I use Splenda with great results)
1 cup mashed bananas (I use 3)
1 1/2 cups cranberries (chopped)
1 3/4 cup flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt

Beat together the eggs, margarine and sugar.

Coarsely chop cranberries

Mash bananas

Stir bananas and cranberries into egg mixture.

Mix flour, baking powder, soda and salt and add to banana/cranberry/egg mixture just until all flour is moistened.

Place in a well greased * floured 9" x 5" loaf pan

(NOTE: I use 3 one pound tinfoil loaf pans)

Bake at 400 for 50 - 60 minutes for the large single loaf or about 30-40 minutes for the 1 pound loaf pans - test for doneness.

Cool in pan for about 10 minutes and then turn out onto wire racks to cool completely.

Freezes well.

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BISCOTTI -- Kathy in MA, 08:56:50 01/26/08 Sat (207-172-216-9.s771.apx1.sbo.ma.dialup.rcn.com/

Annie, I saw that Biscotti recipe when Giada made them. They looked so good. She makes everything look delicious and easy doesn't she!

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TRIPLE CHOCOLATE COOKIES -- Kathy in MA, 08:50:41 01/26/08 Sat (207-172-216-9.s771.apx1.sbo.ma.dialup.rcn.com/

I love to make cookies. Ellie Krieger (my favorite foodnetwork chef) made these a while back.


1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup canola oil
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup whole-wheat pastry flour
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (not Dutch processed)
1/4 teaspoon salt, optional
1/3 cup dark chocolate (2 ounces) coarsely chopped
1/3 cup milk chocolate (2 ounces) coarsely chopped
2/3 cup chopped pecans, optional

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
In a large bowl, mash together the butter and sugars with a fork until well combined. Add the oil and egg and beat until creamy. Mix in the vanilla.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the flours, cocoa powder, and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix well. Stir in the dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and the pecans and mix well. Using a tablespoon, scoop the batter onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 12 minutes. Transfer cookies to a cooling rack to cool.

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Delicious Cookies -- Kathy/SD, 06:50:10 01/20/08 Sun (

Easy cookies
1 white or yellow cake mix
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
Add choc or any kind of chips. Nuts if you want
Mix well and drop on a cookie sheet. Bake 10-12 min at 350
Actually you can use any kind of cake mix and add what ever you want. Makes right at 3 dozen and is great if you need cookies in a hurry.

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Hello -- Pepper, 21:49:08 01/18/08 Fri (136-56.69-92-cpe.cableone.net/

Wow is it nice to see so much actvity. Almost like the ole Kitchen Chat............
Here's my recipe contribution:
Apple Salad

3 Red Apples (cut into chunks)
1 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Flour
1 Med. can Crushed Pineapple (undrained)
1 8 oz. pkg Cream Cheese

Bring sugar, flour and pineapple to boil and add cream cheese
and boil until thickens. Pour over apples. Add cherries and
nuts, if desired. Do not use Red Delicious apples.

(The original recipe calls for Granny Smith Apples, but they are too

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Biscotti -- Annie, 05:29:44 01/18/08 Fri (ip68-98-116-14.ph.ph.cox.net/

I made the cranberry/pistachio cookies because I made these biscotti at Christmas and had ingredients left over...and I still have lots of pistachios left!

Holiday Biscotti
Recipe courtesy Giada De Laurentiis

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
3/4 cup pistachios, coarsely chopped
2/3 cup dried cranberries
12 ounces good-quality white chocolate, chopped
Red and green sugar crystals, for garnish

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Line a heavy large baking sheet with parchment paper. Whisk the flour and baking powder in a medium bowl to blend. Using an electric mixer, beat the sugar, butter, lemon zest, and salt in a large bowl to blend. Beat in the eggs 1 at a time. Add the flour mixture and beat just until blended. Stir in the pistachios and cranberries.

Form the dough into a 13-inch long, 3-inch wide log on the prepared baking sheet. Bake until light golden, about 40 minutes. Cool for 30 minutes.

Place the log on the cutting board. Using a sharp serrated knife, cut the log on a diagonal into 1/2 to 3/4-inch-thick slices. Arrange the biscotti, cut side down, on the baking sheet. Bake the biscotti until they are pale golden, about 15 minutes. Transfer the biscotti to a rack and cool completely.

Stir the chocolate in a bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water until the chocolate melts. Dip half of the biscotti into the melted chocolate. Gently shake off the excess chocolate. Place the biscotti on the baking sheet for the chocolate to set. Sprinkle with the sugar crystals. Refrigerate until the chocolate is firm, about 35 minutes.

The biscotti can be made ahead. Store them in an airtight container up to 4 days, or wrap them in foil and freeze in resealable plastic bags up to 3 weeks.

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Hey! -- Annie, 05:25:18 01/18/08 Fri (ip68-98-116-14.ph.ph.cox.net/

Kathy...they are similar in taste because of the frosting/orange taste. I'd say it's a toss-up as to which is better!! They're both really good! I DO love those frostbites though!

Hi Dee! Haven't 'seen' you in a very long time! Hope you're doing great??

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Hi Annie -- Kathy in MA, 19:24:17 01/17/08 Thu (207-172-216-37.s799.apx1.sbo.ma.dialup.rcn.com/

Are they as good as your Frostbite cookies! haha

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Hello -- Diane "DeeDee" from way back., 19:01:41 01/17/08 Thu (S010600e018ecb18c.ok.shawcable.net/

Hi everyone,,
Kathy just sent me the link to come here,,
Nice to see all of you again...

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Cookies -- Annie, 16:52:02 01/17/08 Thu (ip68-98-116-14.ph.ph.cox.net/

I made these today and they're reeeeeally tasty! Thought I'd share!

Cranberry pistachio cookies


1 C. butter, softened
1 C. white sugar
1/2 C. brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. grated orange zest
2 Tbsp. orange juice
2 1/2 C. flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
2 C. dried cranberries or dried cherries
1/2 C. chopped pistachios

Icing drizzle:


1/2 tsp. grated orange zest
2 Tbsp. orange juice
1 1/2 C. powdered sugar

Cream butter and sugars. Add egg. Mix in orange zest and orange juice. Combine remaining dry ingredients and add to orange mixture. Mix in cranberries and nuts. Drop rounded tablespoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes at 375 degrees. Once cooled, drizzle with icing.

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Hey! -- Annie, 16:49:10 01/17/08 Thu (ip68-98-116-14.ph.ph.cox.net/

Hey! I found the url after Kathy/MA told me there was recent activity here! How is everybody? Happy new year to all! L.O.L., how are you doing??

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Hi LOL! -- Kathy in MA, 15:14:24 01/17/08 Thu (207-172-216-37.s799.apx1.sbo.ma.dialup.rcn.com/

How are you doing? Haven't talked to you in ages! What happened? haha.

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Spicy Baked Macaroni -- Kathy in MA, 15:13:02 01/17/08 Thu (207-172-216-37.s799.apx1.sbo.ma.dialup.rcn.com/

This is a recipe from Giada...excellent

Spicy Baked Macaroni

1 lb. elbow macaroni pasta
3 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 (10 ounce) package frozen spinach, thawed and drained
1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup grated parmesan, plus 1/3 cup
2 tbsp. butter, softened, plus 2 tablespoons
12 ounces mozzarella cubed (about 2 cups)
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Bring a large pot of salt water to a boil over high heat. Add the pasta and cook until tender, for about 8 to 10 minutes. Drain pasta.

3. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil on medium heat. Add the mushrooms and garlic. Cook until the mushrooms are tender, about 7 minutes. Add the tomatoes, red pepper flakes and spinach. Stir to combine and cook until heated through, about 5 minutes.

4. In a small bowl, mix together the bread crumbs and parmesan. Spread the softened butter in a 9 by 13 inch baking dish and sprinkle half of the bread crumbs mixture inside the dish to coat.

5. In a large bowl, combine the vegetable mixture with the cooked pasta, cubed mozzarella, the remaining bread crumbs and nutmeg. Spoon into the baking dish and top with and remaining bread crumbs, and dot the top with remaining butter. Bake until the top is golden brown, about 30 to 40 minutes.

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Hello! -- Kathy in MA, 18:58:05 01/16/08 Wed (207-172-216-123.s885.apx1.sbo.ma.dialup.rcn.com/

Just stopped by here on a whim and here you are! Nice to see you all and hope you all have been doing great!

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Quilting -- Kathy/SD, 19:51:05 01/07/08 Mon (

I don't belong to any quilting anything online. Not even here. I just do my own thing. The last one I made went to Alaska. It was gotgeous. I make them out of chintz and cut my own pieces for each block. Then use sashing to highlight. Kind of an original idea. Have a good evening everyone. kathy/sd

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