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Subject: *Sniff*

It starts with an S...and then...Saih!!! ^-^
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Date Posted: 00:43:35 07/29/04 Thu

*A lonely looking wildcat dibbun wanders through the mostly empty room*

'as anybeast seen Peaches, Nuttew, ow Ta'or? *Sitting down, Saih begins to cry* Me's misses 'em!!!

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**Tangle puts her sticky paw on the dibbun's shoulder **Dere dere! Tangle's ere! **Paws over a scone (NT)Tangle22:08:26 07/29/04 Thu
mes be Peach Blossom but mes not peaches! mes will be ur friend tho! (NT)Peach Blossom23:28:28 07/31/04 Sat
Saih!!!!!!!!! mes missed you! Do yous remember mes? (NT)Andrea23:29:56 07/31/04 Sat
SAIH!!!!! Issa youse still 'ere cause dis post be kinda old. I's back n' ready fer action. (NT)Talor22:18:30 08/14/04 Sat
Youse is be heres! *Dances around excitedly.* (NT)Talor00:01:26 08/18/04 Wed
Saih mes so glad yous back!!!!!! did yous get me any presents/ **looks at Saih courously** (NT)Andrea00:08:41 08/22/04 Sun
maybes thats better then no and close to a yes! *smiles** mes really hopes its a yes dough! (NT)Andrea02:41:28 08/25/04 Wed
**waits ther anxously** dis be like a movie wid suspense! (NT)Andrea13:59:08 09/02/04 Thu
dank yous sssssssssssooooooo muchies whats is it? (NT)Andrea01:53:12 09/06/04 Mon
mes woves it!!!!!!!!!! will you put it on me Saih? its so preetties!dank yous (NT)Andrea20:34:02 09/12/04 Sun
Hewwo Saih!**Runs up to his friend**Me is here! **pulls out a half eaten scone with maple frosting on it**Yous wanna scone? (NT)Nutter13:25:58 10/03/04 Sun
mes wikes scones! (NT)Andrea02:16:01 11/11/04 Thu

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