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Subject: *A dibbon squirrel walks in. She looks quite the same as the first time she did this, just older now.*

Cascata Rosebuds
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Date Posted: 04:07:14 08/09/04 Mon

*With her is a small sack of packages ans small things that she likes to play with. She sets the bag down beside her and looks around for any beast that she might know, or that remembers her* 'ellos guyes. Mes be a back!

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**Tangle does a happy dance** Cascata u is back!!! **Looks at the packages, **Wot yer got me? **Holds out a paw (NT)Tangle20:50:27 08/09/04 Mon
*Cas grins wildly and pulls out a small box with sea shells stuck on it* Dis fors yous. (NT)Cascata02:41:44 08/10/04 Tue
**Tangle gazes at the box awestruck** Oh dis is SO bootiful!! Me is gonna keep me tweasure in it! Fank u!! (NT)Tangle23:41:34 08/11/04 Wed
*She smiles some more* You ist welcomes! (NT)Cascata05:26:30 08/12/04 Thu
Cascata!!!!! mes missed yous! mes brought scones to celebrate. **opens a bag of scones and eats one** (NT)Andrea05:38:30 08/12/04 Thu
*Cascata reaches in and grabs one biting in to it* mmmMMMmmmm (NT)Cascata04:12:25 08/13/04 Fri
**hands one to tangle dere yous goes just don't drooll no mores yous not a dog! (NT)Andrea01:45:23 08/14/04 Sat
Nooo hares ares da worsest wit foods. (NT)Cascata06:36:53 08/18/04 Wed
mes be hare! but I guess thats trues! **shrugs** (NT)Andrea00:07:31 08/22/04 Sun
(((Back, I was at Band Camp))) *Cas giggles* (NT)Cascata19:52:24 09/04/04 Sat
*watches from a distance not wanting to disturb the dibbuns a smile spreads across her face as she whispers* My Cas... (NT)Wind Singer08:14:44 10/01/04 Fri

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