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Date Posted: 11:45:01 04/03/03 Thu
Author: Maria Dirchsen
Subject: Draceana deremensis leaf damage

I have had my Draceana deremensis about two years but recently I've noticed a change in the leaves. It's like clusters of tiny little withered spots on some of the leaves. It seems to start near the tip of the leaf and then spread resulting in withering of the intire leaf. I've looked for pests but can't see any. The plant seems otherwise fine but I'm affraid that its condition will get worse. I gave this plant to my mother just before she died so it means a lot to me! Does any of you know what could be wrong with it?

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[> Re: Draceana deremensis leaf damage -- maggie, 18:55:58 05/24/03 Sat [1]

I find Dracaena deremensis quite difficult - I think they suffer from viruses or something. I bought a lovely one two years ago which deteriorated to the stage it's at now - i.e. it's still alive, very small, all the leaves have brown marks, I can't find any insect life; it's definitely alive but that's all! When I bought it, it was standing outside the shop on the pavement - that may be part of its trouble - it was not a hot day.
I bought another from Woodies, much larger, and being cruelly treated - standing in a howling draught in the hallway out to their outdoor sales area; I got a discount and brought it home and it's in the bathroom and seems happy - but looks tatty with all those brown-edged leaves! Some were even torn in strips!
Sorry none of that's any help to you, though. I think this plant more than any other registers past ill-treatment in later foliage. I wonder if that's a factor with yours?

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