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Date Posted: 19:31:57 01/20/02 Sun
Author: .martyr.
Subject: .conjured.by.luck.
In reply to: «.earth.creature.» 's message, "«.estrus, attention grabber.»" on 19:02:50 01/20/02 Sun

hellish male of warlock imagery traverses congregational crossroads in lackadaisical manner. not much of the scenery is flattering to his tastes - most snagged by another rival - not that he wouldn't bother to spar for the wanted damsel. black midnight dreary springs forth on chipper limbs, jointed knobs snapping with bounce of prime. a scornful gaze is showered over the specimens here. pathetic. why he bothered to be such an avid talent scount, he did not know. for shame... many did not even come close to his quintessence of the perfect Aphrodite to grace his side.

[ earth creature ] is sought out, enticed at first by sensuous aroma and later on by female's finely ribbed grace. what chance! the scent of the musky male who had laid hold on this belle glass figurine was faded and beginning to parch around the edges. parfait! gothic overlord emits a loud call, a song of simple notes warbling his enthralled wish to join female. the whistle is brayed, a clear tenor pitch. visage is chipped downward before lax stride is taken up, headed in direction of where the lady amalthea had taken to be at rest.

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