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Just when we thought that was all behind us...
Most of us got this dreaded disease when we were just toddlers. Most of us can't even remember the long stay at the hospital the first time. I myself was 18 months old and have no recollection of this event now some 55 years later. I do remember the operation I had at age 9 to attempt to correct the Achilles tendon in my left leg. And......all through school it was constantly pointed out to me by others that I was different as I limped on the left side. As I grew older I began to realize that, although my left leg and arm were weaker than the right side there was no need to let that little problem get in the way. I learned to compensate for this and never let it keep me from doing anything I wanted to in life. I learned to fly airplanes and got my pilots license when only 17. I have owned and operated big trucks and construction equipment. I am an aquatic engineer who has traveled around the world consulting for very prestigious organizations, including the United Nations. Nothing could stop me from doing what I wanted to.....UNTIL NOW!
Now, at age 57, just when I am looking forward to the time when I can start going back to all the places I traveled before, this time just to smell the roses, I am becoming a worn out shell of my former self. On somedays I don't have the energy to move from one side of the room to the other. WHAT IS WRONG!!!??? Have I contacted another dreaded ailment of older people? NOPE! My old nemesis has returned. I have polio all over again. This time it is worse than before and I am totally confused. How do I cope with this round?
This discussion board is for the hundreds of thousands of people like me in this world to come and discuss their experiences and see how others have learned to cope with PPS and pass on some tips. Please share with us about how PPS is effecting you and your life. Ask questions for others to answer.
Together we will learn to survive and thrive.
Please give us your first name or a nick name only. No e-mail addresses or other personal info. Your privacy is very important. If you wish to contact another person who has posted on this site send an e-mail to the manager of this site and we will post a message for them to contact us.