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*Majestic Lair*
*Majestic Lair*

**As you enter...**
You see before you a very large cave. You look around to see very dark green walls. The green is so dark it is almost black in color. You decide to take a closer look. Invoulentarily, you glide over to the wall and discover that it is pure jade...
This is the lair of Blue Midnight, Fatal Beauty, and their daughter Catria. If you have entered without special permission, you'd better get out.

~Blue Midnight~
~Fatal Beauty~
~Golden Death~

Run in Fright

Subject Author Date
hello? (NT)midnite beauty12:46:02 02/08/02 Fri
Sons, Queen Iris asks that you got to the dark lair!Mid17:28:53 02/09/02 Sat
ATTENTION!!!!!!! Golden, Catria, MB--- DO NOT Go near Rains, DFL, or Thantos!!! Ok? That have a desese that can Kill Hatchlings!!!! (NT)Mid13:14:34 12/24/01 Mon
Sunglasses? Anyone?Woc Man01:07:20 01/03/02 Thu
*Flies in with a jar with a strange flower in it* This is the cure, I got one just in case. We shall save it.Mid18:12:50 12/30/01 Sun
"mommy,daddy?" (NT)midnite beauty17:53:46 12/20/01 Thu
*He flies in.*Golden Death07:37:13 12/11/01 Tue
I'm Back!! *he trumpets* Gosh, I sure am hungry. Golden, Fatal Beauty, Cat (if you want to) Race you to the Hunt board. *takes off to there* (NT)Midnight17:32:26 11/21/01 Wed
¤Pads in, claws clicking on the cave floor.¤Catria19:36:14 11/10/01 Sat
*Lands and looks around* Fatal (if I may)? This is great ! And where is the young one? (NT)Blue Midnight (Mid)16:52:29 11/06/01 Tue
~She flies in and lands on the solid jade floors.~ Tell me, what do you think? (NT)Fatal Beauty17:25:44 11/05/01 Mon

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