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hello? (NT) | midnite beauty | 12:46:02 02/08/02 Fri |
- Hi! -- Dad, 17:27:09 02/09/02 Sat
Sons, Queen Iris asks that you got to the dark lair! | Mid | 17:28:53 02/09/02 Sat |
ATTENTION!!!!!!! Golden, Catria, MB--- DO NOT Go near Rains, DFL, or Thantos!!! Ok? That have a desese that can Kill Hatchlings!!!! (NT) | Mid | 13:14:34 12/24/01 Mon |
Sunglasses? Anyone? | Woc Man | 01:07:20 01/03/02 Thu |
*Flies in with a jar with a strange flower in it* This is the cure, I got one just in case. We shall save it. | Mid | 18:12:50 12/30/01 Sun |
"mommy,daddy?" (NT) | midnite beauty | 17:53:46 12/20/01 Thu |
*He flies in.* | Golden Death | 07:37:13 12/11/01 Tue |
I'm Back!! *he trumpets* Gosh, I sure am hungry. Golden, Fatal Beauty, Cat (if you want to) Race you to the Hunt board. *takes off to there* (NT) | Midnight | 17:32:26 11/21/01 Wed |
¤Pads in, claws clicking on the cave floor.¤ | Catria | 19:36:14 11/10/01 Sat |
*Lands and looks around* Fatal (if I may)? This is great ! And where is the young one? (NT) | Blue Midnight (Mid) | 16:52:29 11/06/01 Tue |
~She flies in and lands on the solid jade floors.~ Tell me, what do you think? (NT) | Fatal Beauty | 17:25:44 11/05/01 Mon |