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Subject: ~She watches her daughter fly outside, and decidingly thought that she shouldn't follow.~>

Fatal Beauty
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Date Posted: 07:25:48 12/02/01 Sun
In reply to: Catria 's message, "¤Hisses and flies out the cave, silver sclaes flashing in the sunlight.¤" on 16:03:26 11/27/01 Tue

~But she distinctively thought to herself, "What that little grump needs..." She paused, to think of other things... "Is a little sibling..." She looked around for Midnight, knowing that he had an egg.~
Where is he when you need him?
~She peeked out of the cave to see if Catria was just outside for some air. But she saw nothing except the barren earth and the rays of the wretched sun. She didn't mind whether or not Catria wanted to run away. Just as long as she did come home every once in a while. She thought to herself if it was her very own fault, which of course it was. She knew it was her own fault that her daughter hated her. Plus it was the way Catria showed that she liked someone was to act cruel towards them, although this never made any sense to her. No matter, Catria would be back, she could sense it.~

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*Flies in with the egg* I believe you summond? *Grins, and sets the egg down* Might I remind you that she already has a sibling? By the way, have you seen him? He hasen't seen his SISTER yet.Mid18:10:30 12/02/01 Sun

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