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Date Posted: 20:46:27 12/03/01 Mon
Author: Mariah
Subject: Walks slowly out into the paddock

She takes a deep shuddering breath, the sudden death of her horse still hurting terribly. She walks up to the body, now starting to smell. She sighs, a tear running down her cheek. How was she gonna move him? He couldn't be buried right in the middle of the pasture. She wondered where he would have prefered his body lain. Perhaps Staz whould know. She knew how bad the wolf was feeling. Maybe she shouldn't ask him. She turns and walks out, purposfully leaving the pasture gate wide open. A few minutes later she arrives in her big pick-up. She backs it up to the dead horse and hops out. She lowers the tail gate. Now the tricky part, getting him into the truck. She slid a board out. One she normally used to load small or hard to load horses into her big trailer. She grimaced and slid a stout rope under Diablo and around his chest. She tied the two ends together and with much huffing and puffing, repositioned his body, rear first, toward the ramp. Much to heavy to lift as he is, perhaps she could drag him up. She stood in the trunk bed and grunted and sweated him up into the truck after some time. She sat down hard, panting. That would have been far easier with another person. None the less she picks herself up. She stretches a tarp over the body and closes the tailgate. She climbs into the trunk, arms feeling like rubber. Slowly she drives away, heart heavy and on the verdge of tears.

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