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Date Posted: 19:23:54 02/01/09 Sun

Beloved, I wish above all things that you may PROSPER and be in good HEALTH even as your SOUL PROSPERETH 3 JOHN 1:3

Dear Friend,
Could you use CASH and POSTAGE STAMPS, to run a business? Get out of DEBT? Buy or build a home? Or how about affording your children’s education without thousands borrowed in loans? If so, then THE MIRICLE MONEY CLUB is for you. This easy 10 level program is designed to generate volumes of stamps and hundreds of thousands to MILLIONS of $1.00 bills!

If everyone gets 5 or more people to join the program, the resulting flow of STAMPS and CASH would be ENORMOUS! This plan is so simple and inexpensive. Let’s all include this in our out going mail.

Just send 4 First Class Stamps and $1.00 bill to each person listed below. Please include a piece of paper with your address clearly written. In a few days you will receive a MASTER COPY with your name in the #1 position. Have the MASTER COPY printed and mail as many as you can to friends and family. We all know 5-10 people who would love to take advantage of this opportunity. You set your goals, so aim high. If you truly desire MEGA WEALTH, then order a list of names of opportunity seekers. Most will respond because of the low investment and HIGH POTENTIAL. To obtain a list of opportunity seekers call: DATA LINE 1-800-497-2912. To contact by mail:
DATA LINE P.O. BOX 7348, OMAHA NEBRASKA 68107 (member of the better business bureau). I’ll even include a few names of opportunity seekers, FREE. If you don’t make money, I don’t make money. I am almost out of DEBT, so lets help each other and make all of our dreams come true. Wealth is only $1.00 and 4 postage stamps away.

Example of potential earnings: 5X5X5X5X5X5X5X5X5X5 = $9,765,625 VERY HIGH POTENTIAL! YOU DO THE MATH.
That’s if everyone get 5 people to participate, they get 5 to participate, they get 5 more and they get 5 more and so on. Get it? That’s why it’s a 10 level program. It’s called money compounding. Each time some one join the club your name moves down and as your name trickle down so does the CASH and STAMPS. CAN YOU IMAGE GOING TO YOUR MAIL BOX AND FINDING ENVELOPES WITH MONEY IN THEM?

IMPORTANT: In order for you to receive your gifts of STAMPS and CASH, YOU MUST mail $1.00 and 4 First Class Stamps to each person below. Please don’t forget to include your address so I can mail your MASTER COPY with your name in the #1 position. This is a monitored program to ensure HONESTY. This must be followed as outlined to have your MASTER COPY sent to you. DO NOT REMOVE ANY NAMES.

2. Vanessa King - 2208 Phoenix St - Saginaw, MI 48601
3. Brandi Washington - P.O. Box 3253 – Saginaw, MI 48605-3253







Give and it shall be given unto you, GOOD MEASURE, PRESSED DOWN, SHAKEN TOGETHER and RUNNING OVER shall men GIVE unto YOU. LUKE 6:38

Any questions feel free to call or email
Brandi Washington (989) 332-3808
Call volumes are usually high, so if I can’t answer leave a message or email at
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