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*flops down on the sandy ground and awaits her mother's return* Okay!
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Date Posted:
18:13:06 01/05/02 Sat
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Bet 's message,
She laughs and tells her to stay there, " I am going out a little stay there"
07:17:20 01/04/02 Fri
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She comes back and lays next to Roxie and nuzzels her "You did good today (
19:28:11 01/11/02 Fri
*she nickers happily and gets up from the ground* Thanks mommy!
-- Roxie,
08:28:34 01/12/02 Sat
Samantha see's Roxies eagarness and jumps on Bet,
-- Samantha,
16:09:25 01/12/02 Sat
Samantha see's Roxies eagarness and jumps on Bet,
-- Samantha,
16:11:06 01/12/02 Sat
*she stares warily at the old barrels, but quickly follows her mother over the jumps*
-- Roxie,
05:54:12 01/13/02 Sun
Samantha trots over and gets off, while she is fixing the barrels Bet expalins
-- Samantha and Bet,
12:17:42 01/15/02 Tue
*she gulps hard, then starts to canter around the barrels like her mother did*
-- Roxie,
16:28:52 01/15/02 Tue
*smiles* and nuzzels her sam pats her and jumps in the water bet follows (
-- Sam and Bet,
14:58:08 01/16/02 Wed
*eagerly follows suit and splashes around on the bank, rather wary of the deeper water* (
-- Roxie,
16:38:46 01/17/02 Thu
Samantha swims over to Roxie
-- Samantha,
12:11:11 01/18/02 Fri
*she wonders what the human is doing, but hears her mother calling and starts to swim over*
-- Roxie,
13:52:08 01/18/02 Fri
(I am holding you incase unitl you are used to swimming, heloing you)
-- Samantha,
22:08:52 01/19/02 Sat
*she giggles and swats at her gently* Me gonna get you Sammy!
-- Roxie,
11:19:31 01/21/02 Mon
She dives under again and ends up near Bet, n her back
-- Sam,
14:25:33 01/22/02 Tue
*misses the human and pops up next to her mother exhausted*
-- Roxie,
16:59:27 01/22/02 Tue
Bet painicks and nuges Roxie hoping she will wake up. She
-- Samantha and Bet,
15:01:23 01/24/02 Thu
*wakes up startled and grabs Samantha's shirt in her teeth to comfort herself*
-- Roxie,
11:38:10 01/25/02 Fri
Samantha thrashes around, about to go under she yells out a name, you don't know who
-- Samantha,
14:10:21 01/28/02 Mon
*she squeals in panic and nickers worriedly to her mother* Help it help it!!!!
-- Roxie,
15:39:17 01/28/02 Mon
Perfect, do you have one that is a smaller filly though? And that looks like a bay)
-- Samantha,
11:31:37 01/29/02 Tue
*she struggles with the matter at hand, <i>what to do, what to do</i>*
-- Roxie,
17:06:50 01/29/02 Tue
(GREAT THANKX THE 3) Samantha's hands go under while her mother continues to swim farther and father
-- Samantha,
12:59:36 01/30/02 Wed
*whines and then leaps into the water after the human* Sam!
-- Roxie,
13:42:30 02/01/02 Fri
Samantha (saying you were there) just barrley grabs a hold on roxie hoping
-- Sam,
15:09:28 02/01/02 Fri
*she starts to sink a bit under the added weight, but manages to stay afloat and swim to shore*
-- Roxie,
04:59:06 02/02/02 Sat
Samantha climbs on shore adn then sits up and gives Roxie a hug hug and kiss
-- Samantha,
06:18:30 02/02/02 Sat
*she wonders what all of the affection is for, but nuzzles her anyway*
-- Roxie,
06:27:35 02/03/02 Sun
she smiles and grabs the rope and whisles REALLY LOUD for Bet
-- Samantha,
17:25:40 02/04/02 Mon
*follows at the end of the lead obediently* Ouch! Why'd you whistle so loud? (
-- Roxie,
17:38:56 02/05/02 Tue
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